“Be better for everyone if he stayed unconscious.”

“Julian,” she scolded.

“What?” Julian snapped back. “Wherever that man goes, he leaves destruction in his wake.”

“Sounds like someone I’d like to know,” Renard commented.

Julian snarled and took a step towards the big chef. Renard puffed out his chest, watching Julian with narrowed eyes.

“The two of you would get along well,” Julian commented. “You’re welcome to him. Not sure he’d ever risk damage to his precious reputation by getting involved with someone who wasn’t strictly female and vanilla.”

Renard’s eyebrows lifted in surprise.

“Julian, that’s not fair. We don’t know that’s the reason why—”

“What? You think it was a coincidence I was the first guy whose dick he touched, that he unleashed his Dominant side and then less than twenty-four hours later, he basically fires us and runs us out of town.”

Oh, Julian. His memories were skewed. That wasn’t what had happened. And she didn’t think Cole had turned on them because of what he and Julian did. There were things that didn’t add up there.

Joel sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. It wasn’t often Joel showed something bothered him, but she could see Cole turning up like he had rocked him. Joel had told them he hadn’t spoken to Cole in years, not since they’d had a huge fight the day after Cole stormed into the club to get them. So, yeah, he had to be rocked by all this but, instead of talking to Cole, he was here checking on her. Embarrassment flushed her cheeks. Such a fuckup.

“You gonna do something about this situation?” Renard asked Joel. “Because they can’t keep going on this way, they’re gonna burn out. Or one day, she’ll completely freak out and he’ll kill someone.”

“I’ve got this, Renard,” Joel said in a low, warning voice that made her eyes widen.

“Do you?” Renard challenged. “Because, if anything, they’re getting worse. We’ve talked about this.”

“You’ve talked about what? Us?” Julian asked angrily.

“Yep. We’ve all been walking on fucking eggshells around you both. Everyone’s too scared to tell you the fucking truth. You both need some serious help, and I’m talking about more than just a weekly chat with Molly. You need a Dom.”

Julian stiffened beside her. She leaned into him. If he threw himself at Renard, she didn’t know who would win.

Molly was doing her best to help them, but it didn’t feel like they were getting anywhere. So she couldn’t help but agree with Renard. It wasn’t enough. But bringing another Dom into their relationship? No way, not happening.

“We don’t need a Dom. I’m a Dom,” Julian growled at him.

Renard raised his eyebrows. “Maybe so, but you’re falling apart. Although, at least your issues are on the surface. Hers,” he nodded over at her and she stiffened, “are totally hidden. She smiles and everyone thinks she’s doing okay when that’s anything but true.”

Suddenly, everyone’s gazes were on her, and she automatically plastered her best smile on. Joel’s face showed concern, Julian frowned, and Renard gave her a triumphant look.


She turned her face into Julian’s sleeve. She hated that she was so cowardly she always hid behind him.


“I’m fine.”

“Christ, how many times a day does she say that? ’Cause it’s more than I can fucking count,” Renard snapped.

“That could be more of a reflection on your counting skills,” Julian snapped back.

She turned her face to find Renard grinning at her husband. It wasn’t a particularly pleasant smile, and she shuddered. Renard glanced down at her and his face softened.

“They need help, Saxon. They need someone to take control of them until they stop spiraling further and further into the dark. I should know, yeah?”

He should know? What did that mean? She’d guessed Renard had some dark stuff in his past. She might hide behind a smile, but he hid behind sarcasm and a gruff attitude.