Her blonde hair was lighter in color and far shorter than it had been. It was pulled back into a short ponytail, but his Keira had had hair nearly to her ass. Then he noticed the way she was looking back at him. As though she’d seen a ghost.


What the fuck had happened to her? And where was Julian? Why wasn’t he taking care of her? Why had he let her starve herself and cut her hair and grow so fragile and brittle?

Then Keira turned, and he saw, too late, that Julian was closer than he’d realized. Another shock hit his system as he saw the large, muscular man stand. He seemed to be bigger than before. There was gray in his black hair. His clothes were slightly wrinkled, disheveled, as though he didn’t care about his appearance. Which wasn’t like Julian; he’d always been well-dressed and put together.

Cole’s gaze hit the other man’s eyes and he froze at the pure hatred shining through. His gut tightened.

“Julian.” His gaze shot back to Keira who had gone so pale he was afraid she was going to faint. “Keira.”

Fuck. This wasn’t what he’d expected. For once, he was at a loss for words, unable to figure out what to say. Why were they here? This wasn’t in the plan.

Then he didn’t have to think about what to say next, because Julian was in front of him, his fist pulled back. He let it fly.

Agony engulfed his cheek.

Then nothing.

Cole came awake with a groan. Pain throbbed in his face. What the hell had happened? Why was he lying on the ground?

And was that his brother leaning over him? A smile crossed Joel’s face.

“Well. This is a surprise. Hello, brother.”


Keira slammed her way through the kitchen, ignoring Renard’s startled shout of outrage as she nearly banged into him and ran out the back door. Well, it wasn’t precisely a run since her leg wasn’t up to more than a semi fast-paced walk.

She leaned against the railing and stared into the back gardens. Saxon had plans to get some seating out there, along with lighting for people to eat outside in the evening. But at the moment it was quiet and peaceful, which was just what she needed.

She tried to slow her breathing, to calm herself.

Then the door slammed behind, her and she turned, her weak leg giving out on her as she let out a cry of fear.

Julian froze for a few seconds then quickly leaped forward, grabbing her as she fell. She leaned into him, taking his scent into her lungs, letting his safety surround her.

“Jesus. Fuck. Sorry, Keira. Sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

Everything frightened her nowadays. She was a walking, talking ball of paranoia and false bravado. The mask she put on every day was barely hiding the cracks that ran deep into her soul. Cracks that she’d tried to patch and disguise, but she was beginning to think would never fully heal.

“It’s okay. I’m all right.” She leaned back and gave him one of her false smiles.

He frowned. Damn it. Julian always saw through her.

“Keira, you shouldn’t have run off without me.” He placed his hands on her shoulders, looking at their surroundings rather than down at her.

“I’m fine, Julian,” she reassured him. “I just needed some air after . . . after seeing . . .”


Julian’s face tightened and his hands clamped down on her thin shoulders. She bit her lip in order to stop herself from showing a reaction. Julian would be devastated if he knew he’d hurt her. And she would do anything to protect him. He was obsessed with their physical protection, which is why he’d worked so hard to build his strength back up since they’d been here in Haven. While she remained fragile and useless. Paranoia had them both in it’s nasty, cloying grasp and she couldn’t see a way of fighting free.

“You still shouldn’t have left without me. It’s not safe out here.”

If it wasn’t safe here, under Saxon’s protection then where was it safe? She didn’t voice that question, though. She knew the answer. They weren’t safe anywhere.

That had been made abundantly clear.