He stood shoulder to shoulder with Julian, studying her.

“Our girl has far too many clothes on,” Cole said. Our girl.

Fuck, that sounded so right. He was aware of Julian tensing beside him, though and wondered if he’d object. Keira was his wife after all. Cole had to push down a stab of jealousy. Keira wasn’t the only one he was attracted to. This might not work if it was only her he was interested in sexually. But jealousy had no place there. If they could both share, he could learn to do the same.

But only with them. No one else. Because his ability to compromise only went so far.

“Have you ever done this before?” he asked abruptly. “Brought a third in?”

He had to know. And it had to be the right answer.

“No. Never,” Julian replied, half-turning to look at him.

“We’ve never been a

ttracted to anyone else like we are to you,” Keira told him. “We feel this pull towards you.”

“Good. There won’t be anyone else, either.”

Julian sucked in a breath. “We’re not fucking whores.”

He clenched his teeth together. “I didn’t mean to imply you were. I just meant,” he let out a breath, “I’m possessive, all right?”

“So are we,” Julian said, a warning in his voice.

Cole nodded. “I’ve never wanted a man before. I’ve never dreamed of having two people I care about.” The fact he didn’t choke on that phrase was a start. “There is definitely no one else.”

Happiness filled Keira’s face. God, she didn’t know how to guard herself at all. He’d seen a bit of it at work. But there she was more removed, professional.

He shot Julian a look, and the other man nodded. It made Cole feel better knowing Julian knew this about her, protected her. But he wanted to do that as well. Help guard her.

“Wouldn’t your bottom feel better without anything covering it?” Cole asked, stepping forward.

“Hmm, I think you’re right,” Julian added with a mock-frown. “For the sake of her bottom, we ought to take her shirt off.”

And for the sake of his mind, he really needed to see her breasts, to tug on a nipple, to bury his face in her softness.

“You pull it off,” he told Julian. He waited a few seconds to see if the other man objected to him taking the lead, but Julian just moved in front of Keira, sitting on the bed, facing her. He leaned down to kiss her while he grabbed the hem of the T-shirt. She sat up and helped him tug it off her.

Cole moved around the bed, having to go sideways to fit in the tiny space between the bed and the wall.

Seriously, he should have taken them back to his place.

But as he knelt on the bed and watched, he forgot all about the cramped quarters or worrying over whether the bed would hold their combined weight. Julian had tugged Keira’s shirt off and now they were both lying facing one another, engaged in one fucking hot-looking kiss.

Cole moved in, wanting in on that kiss. Wanting to put his mouth other places. After all, he’d promised to eat her out if she was a good girl. As he looked down, he frowned at the marks marring her beautiful, pale skin.

He ran a finger across one deep, reddish-purple mark along her back.

“Your corset was too tight, little bit,” he told her.

Julian raised his head with a frown, then sat and looked down at the mark Cole was gently rubbing his finger across. “Fuck! She kept telling me to pull it tighter. Keira, why didn’t you say anything?”

They both knew why she didn’t say anything. Cole looked at Julian as guilt flashed in his eyes. That wouldn’t happen again.

“I thought corsets were meant to be tight?” she asked, looking over her shoulder at him with those pale blue eyes.

“Not to the point where you can’t breathe.” He gave her a firm look. “That won’t happen again. No wonder you got dizzy. You were cutting off your ability to breathe. Now, sit up.”