“Only if I don’t get to watch,” she said. “Please let me watch. That will be so hot.”

More silence then a chuckle from Julian. “She still surprises me, and I’ve known her half her life.”

She grinned. She liked that she could still surprise him.

“Then I’ll make certain to kiss him when you can see,” Cole told her, then he leaned in to kiss her. The angle was slightly awkward. But that also made it sweet. It wasn’t perfect. It wasn’t choreographed. It was real.

He pulled away as Julian moved in behind her. He grabbed hold of her G-string and slid it down her legs. He tapped one foot. “Lift.”

She lifted each foot in turn, letting him take off her panties.

“These panties are soaked, kitten.” She blushed bright red. She heard a deep sniff. “Fuck, you smell delicious.”

Oh, dear Lord.

“How does she taste?” Cole asked.

“Even better,” Julian told him.

Her face was flushed, her body aflame with need. What would it be like to have Cole go down on her? Fucking amazing. Assuming he was any good at it. But she had a feeling she didn’t have to be worried in that regard.

“Have you guys ever had anal sex?” Cole asked, as though he were asking what the weather was like outside. Fuck. She didn’t think her face could get any hotter. Was she in danger of a stroke?

“I’ve been plugging her regularly to stretch her,” Julian told him. “I’m pretty big, I don’t want to hurt her.”

She snorted. “He’s not fairly big. He’s huge.”

“Is that so?” Cole drawled.

Holy. Shit.

He stood and looked over at Julian who’d pushed her legs apart.

“Right, kitten. “You’re owed twenty-five for putting yourself down and trying to top from the bottom. Twenty-five for hiding things from me.”

“Fifty?” Cole questioned. “With a paddle?”

She tried to glance up into his face, but the angle was wrong with him standing. No way would Julian give her fifty with the paddle. She’d freaking die. She wasn’t made of steel after all.

“No. Not with the paddle,” Julian replied. “I’m going to give her twenty with my hand and ten using the paddle. Tomorrow night, she’ll receive the rest.”

Would Cole be here tomorrow night? Or would they scare him off?

She was kind of shocked he was here at all. Being involved with two people seemed a stretch for his conservativism. Mind you, how conservative was he really? Was his horror over Joel’s choices more to do with what Joel was into or that he was very open about it?

Cole wasn’t a man who really let anyone in. Who allowed people to see the real him. He was closed down so it made sense he wouldn’t like the public aspect of BDSM. But they didn’t need to go to a club.

“All right,” Cole replied. “If that’s all right with Keira.”

She got that he needed to keep checking with her. So, she nodded up at him with a smile.

Oh, crap. She was going to die. It was official.

Julian moved up behind her. Hot, hard male was pressed against her. She made a happy little noise of approval. She saw Cole move, positioning himself so he could see what Julian was doing and her face she was guessing.

Then Julian moved back, and she whimpered. No, she wanted him near. Wanted him to touch her.
