These past eight weeks, they’d been there for her through everything. Physical therapy for her knee. Sessions with Molly. The panic attacks, which were thankfully becoming few and far between.

They’d held her through the storm.

Vincento is dead.

She had to tell herself that quite a lot.

They’d moved out of Joel’s guest house and into their place a month ago. That had helped. Moving in together cemented their place in each other’s lives. A home. Their home. Hers, Julian’s and Cole’s.

She still had nightmares, but her men were always there to soothe her. To hold her. Every night, she went to sleep in their arms and every morning, she woke up feeling safe and loved. They were slowly helping her heal, physically and emotionally, and she hoped she was doing the same for them.

Her men were possibly even more protective of her now. She was coddled and taken care of. And she loved every moment. She needed it.

For those first few weeks, she couldn’t even bear to have them out of her sight. Luckily, they’d been patient and understanding until eventually she was able to be on her own. Although she usually wasn’t alone long before one of them searched her out.

“I am,” she said firmly. She hadn’t been back to Fet since the night Vincento tried to kidnap her. The night she’d killed him.

Her knee had healed. She was slowly gaining weight. Her panic attacks and nightmares were few and far between.

Vincento was dead.

“This is the next step in moving forward,” she commented.

“Seems appropriate in a way,” Cole murmured.

“How’s that?” Julian asked.

“Well, Fet is the place where I set eyes on the two of you again.”

Keira smiled up at him. “When Julian punched you.”

Cole gave the other man a mock-scowl. “Let’s not do a repeat of that night.”

Julian grinned. “Depends on how well-behaved you are.”

“Careful,” Cole growled.

Julian just smiled.

She knew they were giving her time to adjust to being back here. Truth was, she wasn’t dreading it as much as she thought she might.

“Let’s do this.” She was ready. “I have both of you with me. Nothing can touch me.”

“Damn straight nothing will touch you,” Cole growled.

Ahh, there was her protective Dom.

They walked into Fet and instead of being greeted by a waitress, Joel stepped forward with a smile, showing them to a table.

Keira looked around at the full restaurant in surprise. “I

s all of Haven here?”

She saw Molly sitting with her husband, Jake and waved at her. At the table next to hers sat Aspen and her two young boys. Jamie already had food all over his mouth and Caleb took advantage of his mom’s moment of inattention to squish his hands in what looked to be a small mound of mashed potatoes.

She had to grin.

“Your table is over here.” Joel directed them to a table off to the side. At least he hadn’t put them right in the middle. That would feel too much like being on show.