“Perhaps you should carry our kitty into the bedroom where we can make her more comfortable,” Cole suggested.

Julian stood and picked Keira up. But instead of holding her bridal style, he set her on his hip. She wasn’t sure how she felt about that. But she was a kitty right now. She didn’t have to worry about how he carried her or where he was taking her or what he’d do to her.

It was freeing. She could let go and just be a kitty.

She gave a murmur of delight as he placed her gently on the bed. She ran her face over the soft bed cover, snuggling into it.

“Hmm, seems kitty is very tactile,” Cole commented as he followed them in. As he watched her, he started to strip. “Perhaps we should get her a nice cuddly pet bed, and maybe some toys that she can use when her leg is better.”

Oh, yes. She liked the sound of that.

She stared at Cole, licking her lips as he stood there completely naked, his gorgeous body on display. Julian moved up beside him and she nearly came then and there. It was too much for a mere mortal to take in.

That they were both hers was nearly unbelievable.

Cole then turned Julian towards him. He placed a hand around the other man’s neck and brought him in for a kiss. She watched hungrily as Cole reached down to place his hand around Julian’s semi-erect cock.

Keira moved over to the side of the bed and swung her legs down over the edge as she watched. She tried to move her hands down between her legs, whimpering when she couldn’t do anything with her hands caught in the mittens.

“I think our

naughty kitty is trying to touch herself,” Cole said to Julian as he stepped back.

Julian shook his head at her in mock-disappointment. “I think she needs the paddle.”

“Very good idea. Julian, why don’t you rest on the end of the bed and have kitty straddle you. I’ll go get the paddle.”

Keira let out a protest at that. The paddle? She’d just had her bottom spanked, now she was going to be paddled?

Julian sat on the bed then lifted her over, arranging her so she faced him, her legs were on either side of his. “All right, kitten?” he asked her in concern. “Is your leg okay?”

“It’s fine, Sir. I promise. I am more than okay.”

He grinned. “Kitten likes being a kitty, doesn’t she?”

She nodded her head. She really did.

“Very nice,” Cole commented as he walked back in. She turned to see he had the black paddle they’d bought the other day in his hand. He walked over and grabbed a condom, placing it over his thick shaft. He’d insisted they wait until the blood tests he’d had taken the other day came back before he took either of them bare. They’d had tests done when they’d first arrived in Haven, so they were both safe.

“Julian, would you lie on your back, so I get a nice angle to paddle kitty’s naughty bottom.”

Keira groaned as Julian lay back and tugged her with him. She placed her bound hands above her, over his head. He held her steady around the waist as Cole pulled the plug slowly from her ass. Oh, Christ.

Then the paddle landed on her ass, making her squeal.

Cole tapped the paddle down on Keira’s ass slowly. One. Two. He went easy on her, even though she’d already had a warm-up. Still, he knew she hadn’t been paddled in a while. Thump! Smack! Last thing he wanted was to do anything that might remind the two of them of Vincento.

He gave her a final smack, staring down at her red, glowing ass in satisfaction.

“Naughty kitty, trying to touch herself.” He rubbed her lower back as he heard her take a few shuddering breaths. “You good, kitty?”

“No, Sir.”

He froze. Fuck. “What’s wrong? Do you need out of the cuffs? Are you in pain? Did I hurt you?”

“I’m horny. I need to come.”

Christ. He held a hand up to his chest, sharing a look with Julian.