“That he is,” Cole agreed. “But while you’re working out and the endorphins are flowing are you as worried about Keira’s protection? About watching her every move?”

Julian frowned, obviously thinking. “No, I don’t think so.”

“So how about you work out with Joel tomorrow and Keira and I will have a cup of coffee with Aspen. We won’t leave the house, and I won’t let Keira out of my sight.”

Julian looked uncomfortable and he wondered if he was pushing too hard too fast.

“You won’t leave her. Not even to go to the bathroom,” Julian demanded.

“If I need to go then she goes with me.”

“Eew,” Keira screwed up her nose. “Kind of gross.”

Cole gave her a stern look. “Hey, I’m pretty sure that calling your Dom gross is a spankable offense.”

“I’m pretty sure you think everything is a spankable offense,” she countered. “You’re obsessed with my naked butt.”

“It’s a very gorgeous butt, naked or not.”

“All right,” Julian said finally. “Let’s try.”

“Good.” Cole squeezed Keira to him.

“Cole?” Keira asked hesitantly.

“Yeah, baby?”

“I was just wondering um . . . well, you’re sticking around, right?”

He stiffened then forced himself to relax. These questions were expected. They hadn’t talked much about the future, which had been deliberate on his part. There was a lot going on right now for them all to deal with.

“I plan on being with the two of you until we’re old and gray and sitting on a porch in our rocking chairs, casting disapproving looks at the youth of today, and talking about the good old days.”

Keira smiled. “That’s . . . that’s what I thought. It’s just . . .” She looked over at Julian. “We were kind of worried about where you might be planning on living. We just . . . we really like it here and people accept relationships like ours here, but I know it’s quiet compared to L.A. and I don’t want you to resent us if you start to miss the city, but I also don’t think I can live anywhere else.”

Julian watched him steadily, waiting.

“I’m an idiot.”

Keira raised her eyebrows. “Hmm, if I’m not supposed to speak badly about myself, why are you allowed to?”

“Because I am an idiot. I bought a house.”

Both of them tensed.

“Here, I bought a house here,” he added quickly. His communication could use some work too. “I brought a house here, in Haven.”

“You did? When?” Keira asked.

“About a week or so ago. The house was already vacant, and since I was a cash buyer it went through quickly.”

“You bought it before you even knew if we wanted you back?” Julian asked.

“Yes. I didn’t know if you’d ever forgive me or want me, but I had to be close to the two of you. I think you’ll like the house. At least I hope you both will since I’m hoping you’ll live there with me.”

There was silence.

“Not right away. I mean, when you’re ready. The house needs a bit of work anyway—” His words were silenced as Keira kissed him. Which seemed to be her favorite way of getting him to be quiet.