“Because we’re batshit crazy,” Keira said lightly.

“Kitten,” Julian growled.

“Well, we kind of are,” Keira muttered.

“What’s the rule about putting yourself down, little bit?” Cole asked.

She bit her lower lip. “Sorry. Thought I was stating a fact.”

“That your therapist’s official diagnosis, was it?” Cole drawled.

“No, of course not.”

“She said we have PTSD,” Julian told him.

“Have things been getting better with her help?”

“A little,” Keira said.

“We haven’t been playing, the other night was the first time I’d spanked Keira since our time in Colombia. I didn’t want to set off any triggers. I didn’t realize she needed it.”

“And she didn’t ask for it,” Cole guessed.

Keira shrugged. “I wasn’t sure he wanted to do any of that anymore. Not after everything that happened.”

“So, we need to work on communication. On getting Julian to sleep more and to stop obsessing as much over safety.”

Although, Cole understood his reasons. He felt that same overprotective need to keep them both within arm’s reach. But giving into that wouldn’t help right now.

“And Keira needs help speaking up and saying when she’s not doing all right or not comfortable,” Cole stated. “We also need to keep an eye on her eating.”

“I find making decisions hard.” Keira rubbed her forehead as though she had a headache. Julian walked away towards the bathroom. “I’m so scared of making the wrong one.”

“Okay, baby. We’ll work on that.”

Julian returned and handed her some pain pills and a glass of water.

“How about we all head to bed and get some sleep? Julian, do you want to check the house over?”

The other man just nodded. Cole led Keira to the bedroom and left her in the bathroom to get ready. He leaned against the hallway wall then sunk down to his ass.

He felt like his insides had been torn to shreds. And he had no idea how to put them all back together.

“No!” Keira screamed as Vincento smacked his fist into Julian’s face. Blood spurted from his nose. She tried to pull free from the guard who was holding her. But his grip tightened to the point she knew she’d have bruises tomorrow.

Still, she fought.

She couldn’t let him hurt Julian. Julian! Julian!

“Keira! Kitten! It’s me. It’s Julian. You’re all right. Baby, you’re safe. Please wake up. You’re safe.”

She opened her eyes with a gasp, sweat coated her body and her throat felt raw and scratchy.

“Sorry, sorry,” she told both Julian and Cole as they held her between them, running their hands up and down her body.

This was the third time she’d woken with a nightmare tonight. Telling Cole seemed to have stirred everything up.

She sobbed out a breath. “I’m so sorry.”