“No,” Julian rumbled. “Practically have to hog-tie and carry her there to get her to go.”

“Do you think the two of you could stop speaking like I’m not even in the car,” she said with exasperation.

Both men sent her wicked grins, which was actually worth them talking about her like they had been.


She directed Cole towards the spot Aspen had told her about. When they reached the marked path, Cole pulled over, off the road and they all climbed out.

“Cole, you bring the picnic basket,” Julian ordered. Again, she waited for some resentment or blowback from Cole, but he just did as ordered, without argument. “How long a walk is it?”

“Only about fifteen minutes,” she told him.

“Tell me if your leg gets tired and I’ll carry you.” Julian held out his arm for her to hold onto.

They walked up the incline, Julian slowed down to make it easier on her.

“How did you injure your leg?” Cole asked her, coming up beside her and taking hold of her other arm with his free hand.

She looked up at Julian. His jaw had hardened.

“I tore a ligament in my knee. It didn’t heal well. I think because it was a while before I got care,” she told Cole.

“Jesus,” Cole muttered. “Did you see a specialist? Did you need surgery?”

“No, I didn’t need surgery. We avoided that at least.”

Cole frowned and looked like he was about to ask more, when they reached the crest. The view out over the small town of Haven was magnificent.

“It’s beautiful.”

“Not as beautiful as you,” Cole told her.

She groaned at his cheesy reply. He winked at her and she was surprised at the happiness in his gaze. He seemed lighter, almost. Maybe saying goodbye to his company had been the best thing for him.

Cole set down the picnic basket and she got to work setting out the blanket with Julian and Cole’s help. They sat and ate the food Julian had prepared, talking about nothing in particular.

After they’d packed up all the food, Julian looked over at her.

“I want you to strip Cole naked.”

Julian watched as Keira’s eyes flared. She glanced over at Cole. The other man gave her a wink then stood and held his hands out to his side. “Baby, second best thing to happen to me all day.”

“What was the first?” she asked, as he held out a hand to help her stand.

“Getting to eat your pussy.”

His wife blushed prettily, and Julian waited to feel a rush of jealousy.

None came.

Keira quickly stripped off Cole’s short-sleeved shirt, revealing his muscular chest. She undid his belt, slipping it open then undoing his jeans.

As she bent to pull Cole’s jeans and boxers down his legs, she revealed his gorgeous cock. Thick and long. Already fully erect. Julian’s body stirred, his own dick hard and aching.

Hmm. Maybe he should have Cole suck him off while Keira sat on his face. Now that was a good thought. When Cole was naked, he stood there straight and proud. And so he should. Because, fuck, he was magnificent.

“Cole, lie down. I don’t want kitten having to kneel while she takes your dick into her mouth.”