She bit her lip. This sucked. “I don’t need to see the doctor.”

“Who’s going to see the doctor?” Julian asked as he walked into the room, stretching his arms. He’d put on sweatpants and a T-shirt. Drat, she’d hoped he’d sleep a bit longer. Although, considering it was after nine, they’d both slept better than they usually did.

A spanking and a spectacular orgasm would do that for you. Although she felt a bit guilty that she’d slipped into a coma afterwards and hadn’t offered to do anything about their needs.

She wondered if they’d . . . no, surely, she would have woken up for that.

“Keira is. She said the pain pills for her leg hurt her tummy.”

Julian frowned. “I thought the doctor gave you some new ones to try.”

“He did,” she admitted reluctantly. “They upset my tummy too.”

“You never said anything.” Julian gave her a stern look. “How did you keep that from me?”

She squirmed.

“Kitten. Keeping something like that from me is unacceptable,” Julian rumbled. “That’s twenty.”

Oh. Shit. Her clit throbbed at the idea of getting another spanking so soon. Last night, Cole had gone easy on her. She could tell from the look on Julian’s face he wouldn’t be.

“Right now?” she asked.

“She just hurt her leg,” Cole told Julian.

Julian frowned. “What? How?”

“I just jumped and landed funny on it. Nothing serious.”

“I accidentally gave her a fright. I thought she saw me sitting right in front of her,” Cole explained.

“Keira’s always like that when she first wakes up,” Julian said. “Normally, she waits in bed until she’s fully awake. Once she got up when she was still half-asleep and walked straight into a wall.”

She blushed at the memory. “That really hurt.”

Cole shook his head. “Don’t do that again. You stay in bed until you’re fully awake. You can’t get up and wander around and risk hurting yourself.”

She sighed. “I didn’t want to wake Julian.”

Julian gave her a stern look. “That’s not acceptable. I’d rather you woke me up than hurt yourself.”

“You know sometimes overprotectiveness is a turn-on. Other times it’s just a pain in the ass.”

Cole snorted. “Oh, it will be a pain in your ass all right, if you don’t do as you’re told.” His face shut down as he stared at them both warily. “I mean . . .” he trailed off, looking uncharacteristically uncertain.

“Cole’s right. From now on, you stay in bed until you’re awake or one of us is with you,” Julian told her. “Your spanking can wait until tonight. I don’t want you kicking and hurting your leg further. And you need to see the doctor again. I’ll call tomorrow and make an appointment.”


She licked her suddenly dry lips. “Is that coffee I smell?”

“Sure is. Hope you guys don’t mind me fixing some.”

She glanced over at Julian. She hated that Cole was so hesitant around them, so unsure of his place. She wanted them all to be on an equal footing. But she didn’t know how to heal those last pieces of mistrust that still existed.

“Mind? I could kiss you.”

Julian stiffened slightly. Shoot. Why did she always say the wrong thing? She’d spent most of her childhood walking around on eggshells. She hated that she was having to do that now.