“Keira, you are as gorgeous as you ever were. Inside and out. But you need to eat, little bit. I’m worried about you.”

Cole kept his voice gentle, but there was an underlying sternness that had Julian’s insides stirring to life. His body remembered how much it had enjoyed being under the other man’s command. He let out a deep breath then forced himself to pull back.

“Cole’s right,” he said.

“Julian—” Keira started to say.

He shook his head then turned her so she sat sideways on his lap, facing Cole, who sat on the stool next to him. A plate of scrambled eggs on toast sat in front of him.

He closed his eyes briefly. Memories of the time he’d made Keira that same meal floating through his head. Back then, he’d had hope. Now?

Now he wasn’t sure what he had. A need to protect Keira. That was what drove him to get out of bed in the morning, to get through the day. But did he have anything else?

Love. You love her.

More than anything.

“You need to eat, kitten,” he told her.

She licked her top lip nervously.

“Here. Let me help.” Cole spooned up some eggs and blew on them. Then he held them up to his mouth. Was he . . . was he testing the temperature?

Seemingly satisfied, he cupped one hand under the fork in case any egg escaped then held it up to Keira’s mouth.

“Eat, little bit,” he encouraged her.

She opened her mouth and took the food. Something inside him unraveled.

Maybe . . . maybe Cole could help them. As long as they remembered the bottom line— never give him their hearts again.

Okay, so this wasn’t awkward or anything.

She stared over at Cole. He gave her a pleasantly bland look. She knew that look. It was his face when he wasn’t certain what to do or say. He didn’t often look that way. He was usually so confident.

Julian was stiff as she sat on his lap. She thought he might object to Cole feeding her, but he hadn’t said a word.

As her stomach grew full, she shook her head at the next mouthful. “No more. Thanks. It was really good.”

“I’ve been teaching myself to cook,” Cole admitted, surprising her.

Why would he teach himself to cook? The Cole Saxon she’d known would have seen it as a waste of his time. His time was better spent working when he could hire someone to cook for him.

Except, he’s not working anymore. That was perhaps the biggest shock of all. He’d been a workaholic. How could he just give that up?

“Julian, would you like something to eat?” Cole asked.

“No,” Julian replied.

She hoped Cole didn’t take offence to Julian’s bluntness. He’d never been one to speak much, but he’d taken that to a whole other level since they’d escaped Vincento.

She drew in a sharp breath as a wave of fear washed through her. Safe. You’re safe. He can’t get you.

“Keira? Are you all right?” Cole asked worriedly.

“Yes. Just thinking about something. I think tonight, everything feels very much on the surface, you know? Raw.” She attempted to smile. “I’ll be fine tomorrow.”

Carefully, slowly, Cole reached out and cupped her face between his hands. “You don’t have to pretend for me, sweetheart. You don’t have to smile for me. You can give me those darker emotions and thoughts. I can handle them.”