“No. But that doesn’t mean that you don’t want them back.”

Cole stood and started pacing. “They’re hurting, Joel. I left them, something happened to them, and I wasn’t there to protect them. I’m not going to let that happen again. Even if they never forgive me, if they never talk to me again, I just, I have to make sure they’re going to be okay.”

“Even if it’s with someone else?

He took a deep breath. “Yes. Even then.” Even though it would hurt like fuck. Because no matter how hard he tried to stop it, he still felt possessive. Still thought of them as his. He’d never gotten over them. But he had to do what was best for them. Not him.

He stared out the window of Joel’s study. From there he could see a glimpse of the guest house. Someone stepped outside, walking towards the steps that led down to the pool. A larger figure followed the smaller one. They were right there.

“I don’t want to do anything to hurt them, Joel. Never again. While I might not know what happened to them, I can tell their healing is not going to be a quick process.”

“No, it’s not. You sure you can be happy living here in this town? Not exactly the fast-paced life you’re used to.”

“I don’t want that life anymore. You think I like who I became? I was like him,” he spat out the word. “All I cared about was money and the business.”

“You weren’t as bad as that old bastard.”


“You cared about your employees, for one. You made a lot of good changes when you took over, Cole.”

“I had to fight the board the entire way. Fuck. All I thought about was making him proud. He never would have been proud. He’d always have found fault.”

“That was on him. Not you.”


“I think I can help.” He turned back to his brother with a grin. “And even if I can’t, those two nephews of mine need their Uncle Cole around to spoil them.”

“What? Like you didn’t already buy out every toy store in Freestown?”

“Got lost time to make up for.” With a number of people.

Joel just nodded. “All right. You’re staying. You want to help. First, you have to get them to talk to you.”

“Yeah. That’s the hardest part. Oh, and also? I’m going to need a membership to your club.”

Joel stiffened. “Sure, that’s the best idea?”

“I have people you can call for references. I know you’ll want to check. But I’ve learned over these past few years that denying who I really am is only punishing me and everyone around me. This is who I am, Joel. This is the real me.”

“I certainly hope so, brother. Because this Cole, he’s someone I could care about. Maybe even love.”

He turned away before his brother could see the tears in his eyes. He sure as hell hoped so.

Julian stood at the side of the pool, his eyes roaming the surroundings as Keira swam slow lengths up and down the pool. He was glad she’d decided to take up swimming again. His girl loved the water. However, it also made him nervous. He’d never learned to swim. His dad hadn’t wanted to pay for lessons for what he’d called a girly sport.

Still, it wouldn’t stop him from jumping in to get her if she got into trouble. Only the very deep end of the pool was over his head.

He stood sentry while she glided from one end to the other. She tired pretty easily, so she was never in there for long. If they ever managed to get a place of their own, he’d put in a pool for her.

Yeah, to do any of that you actually need some money, which involved getting a job. He knew he was letting her down. He had to somehow get past this obsessive need to always have her in his sight. Molly had told them both they had PTSD. She’d given them exercises to do, but he struggled with them. And he knew Keira did too.

But he needed to start doing them, if only to set a good example. More than ever, Keira looked to him, and he had to be better. Things weren’t working out that well with Jardin. The other man wanted to help, but Julian just couldn’t seem to let him in. And Keira followed his lead.

“Nice night, isn’t it? Surprised you’re not taking a dip as well.”

He turned. His hands curled into fists. Fuck. He’d let his guard down and now the monster was back, he was coming for them and Keira was vulnerable.