She nodded hastily.

“You want to know something, ask.”

Really? Seriously? “And you’ll answer?”

“Didn’t say that. But then you’ll know if it’s something I want you to know, won’t you? You don’t get to know everything, haven’t earned that. Likely never will. My shit is mine.”

She couldn’t argue with that. They were his secrets. He didn’t want to share them, then that was his prerogative. They weren’t in a relationship. Just because he knew all her crap didn’t mean he had to reciprocate. And she got that she’d messed up. She wouldn’t like it if someone went snooping around in her stuff.

“I really am sorry,” she told him. “That was wrong of me.”

He just gave a short nod. “On to the next topic.”

She let out a breath, feeling very tired for someone who’d only gotten up a couple of hours ago.

“You broke my rule, Mia.”

His voice was icy. Goosebumps covered her skin. A few days ago, that voice would have sent her running. But she’d had enough. After the night she’d had and the hell of the past few days, she’d had enough.

“And no one disobeys the mighty Alec Malone’s rules. King of all he surveys,” she said sarcastically.

He didn’t look surprised. Didn’t react at all other than to raise one imperious eyebrow. “Not if they’re smart, they don’t. Question is, what sort of punishment comes with breaking my law?”

Okay, so maybe she was starting to feel a little intimidated.

“You can’t just punish me for breaking one of your palatine rules. I was helping your brother, for God’s sake.”

“My brothers can take care of themselves. They are not tiny little pixies with no sense of self-preservation. They also do not have a damn hit man chasing after their asses.”

“With the shit they get up to, it’s a wonder,” she muttered.

This time both eyebrows rose. Uh-oh. “I am not happy with this new attitude.”

“Why? Because I don’t jump to do your bidding?” Getting really brave now, aren’t you?

“No.” He leaned down and grabbed her around the waist, holding her up in the air. Her feet were dangling off the ground. Holy fuck. She knew he was strong, but wow. He shook her. “Because it’s going to get you damn well killed. Is that what you want?”

“Of course it’s not what I want!”

He set her on her feet. “Then what the fuck were you thinking?”

Okay, yeah, not mad. He was furious. Absolutely down to his bones furious. And she didn’t get why. Okay, she understood she’d disobeyed his rule. But it was her ass on the line if she got caught—unless the hit man came here and shot everyone. Then she’d be responsible for everyone’s death on this ranch.

Suddenly, she wasn’t feeling so self-righteous or cocky.

“It won’t happen again.”

“Damn straight it won’t happen again. I’m going to make sure of that.”

All right, she didn’t like the sound of that.

“From now on, because you can no longer be trusted, the keys to all vehicles get locked away where you can’t get to them. Because you can no longer be trusted, Maddox has been sent into Freestown to sort out a GPS tracker for you. Now, because you can’t be trusted to follow the rules, I’m going to know where you are every minute of every day.”

She scowled up at him. “You’re not a damn king, you’re a dictator.”

“That’s right, baby girl. I’m also judge, jury, and executioner. You did the crime, now you pay for it. What did I tell you would happen if you disobeyed me?”

She froze. She remembered that conversation all too clearly. Her heart stopped then raced, making her feel ill. Her head spun.