“Not to worry, you will.” Heather grinned. Leading her out of the room and to the mouth of a long hallway marked with doors on each side, she said, “And trust me, you’re in for a big surprise.”



Madison lifted herself off the floor and looked all around. She felt woozy, uncertain. Nearly losing her footing, she needed a moment to stabilize before she could take in her surroundings.

Last time she’d found herself locked in a room, it was nothing like this. Nonetheless, the intent was the same. To isolate her from the rest of the world, then release all her shame.

Of course her purse was missing, leaving her unarmed. But she’d seen her attacker, which was a sort of ammunition all its own. Though considering the size and scale of the crime, it was doubtful the enemy had acted alone. There were more of them still out there, somewhere.

She wandered the perimeter, tapping her knuckles against w

alls that appeared solid and unmovable. If that turned out to be true, then she was completely at the mercy of her captor, with no real chance of escape.

This was not how it was supposed to go down. She’d made a plan, studied it from every angle, and convinced herself it was a good one. The mistake was keeping Paul in the dark. She’d texted him from the beach, planning to meet in person so she could tell him everything she’d learned. After, she figured she’d find a place to lay low while he did whatever necessary to ensure her safety. Then, with Paul by her side, she’d reenter the world. It was simple. Easy. Seemingly foolproof. And yet, once again, her captor was way ahead of her.

From seemingly out of nowhere, an image of herself was projected onto the wall. The name MaryDella Slocum was written above a picture of her at age eight, barefoot, dirty, and wearing a size-too-small dress. It was the same photo that had covered the walls of her earlier cell, and that, thanks to Layla’s blog and Trena Moretti’s show, had gone viral all over the world.

She stretched her gaze toward the ceiling and spotted a camera aimed right at her. She stepped to the left and then to the right, noting the way the camera followed her every move. Whether she was simply being observed or actually filmed, there was no way to tell. Realizing she wouldn’t be getting out of there anytime soon, she settled onto a long white bench and watched the series of images play across the wall.

It was like a scrapbook of old memories, most of which she’d successfully wiped from her mind. There were old class pictures from junior high that seemed more or less benign, but there were also photos of her parents, looking haggard and grim, which felt more ominous in tone.

Paul had been right all along—this was purely an act of revenge. The goal was to take away everything she’d worked so hard to build by exposing her numerous lies to the world.

So far, they were well ahead, having managed to outsmart her at every turn. If Madison were ever to find her way out of that room, she’d find that the fans who’d once lauded her had turned so vehemently against her she might never succeed in winning them back.

A soft, lilting tune drifted through the speakers, as a voice that had obviously been disguised warmly addressed her. “Hello, Madison. So happy you decided to join us.”

Madison turned toward the camera and stared back in defiance.

“In the interest of full disclosure, you’re being filmed. I’m sure your many fans will enjoy watching this footage of you. Why don’t you give a little wave and a quick hello? They’ve all been so worried about you.”

Madison continued to stare. They could kidnap her, put her in a box, destroy her reputation, and film her, but she wasn’t some performing monkey. She would not obey their every demand.

“I know who you are,” she said.

The voice laughed. “Indeed you do. Care to share it with the world?”

Madison started to put a voice to the name, then just as quickly decided against it. It was part of the trap, and if she had any hope of winning, she needed to play smarter than that. She’d underestimated them for too long, but no more. She assumed they were in possession of her gun, and there was nothing more dangerous than an armed person with nothing left to lose.

“Well then, let’s get started, shall we? Just so you know, the gang’s all here. At the moment you’re separated by the walls that surround you. Only these walls aren’t quite as permanent as they appear. If you’re willing to play a little game, you have the chance of reuniting with your friends. But the rules demand you tell the truth. If you choose to lie, I’m afraid you’ll be punished. Before we get started, let me introduce you to your host, Trena Moretti! Trena can see all of you, but you can only see the images I choose to share. So tell me, are you ready?”

Madison took a deep breath and nodded imperceptibly.

“Okay then. Trena Moretti—take it away!”

Madison watched as the picture on the wall shifted to an image of Trena sitting in some sort of control room, looking distressed. She stared into the camera, then consulted the paper propped before her and said, “Madison—I’m so sorry that—”

Her mic was cut as the disguised voice broke in and said, “It’s better for everyone if you stick to the script.”

Trena squared her shoulders, looked into the camera, and said, “Madison, do you know why you’re here?”

Madison nodded, then faced the camera. “I was abducted.”

Trena looked at someone off screen, then returned to Madison. “There’s a theory you planned your disappearance. Is that true?”

Madison stared at the camera, unsure how to answer. She had planned an elaborate disappearance, but then she got abducted before she could act on it. Still, it wouldn’t do to give in so early. At least for now, she needed to stay defiant.