Aster stood speechless.

Heather held her gaze, then said, “So, she was here, right?” She glanced between Aster and Ryan. “Madison was here.”

Aster looked at Ryan. Ryan stayed silent.

“Oh, for God’s sake,” Heather said. “You’re wearing her watch!”

Aster’s gaze dropped to her wrist. She’d slipped it on just after they’d found it. She hadn’t yet decided what to do with it.

“Madison had more Hermès bags and Louboutin heels than she could count, but she cherished that thing more than anything else. You’re not going to try to keep it, are you?”

“Of course not!” Aster sounded offended, which she instantly regretted. It was better to stay neutral. Heather would consider any emotional reaction a victory, and Aster was unwilling to concede that to her.

“Then you better wipe it clean. Leaving any trace of your prints behind could really come back to bite you. Especially with so much evidence already stacked up against you.”

Slowly, Heather rose and lazily tugged at the hem of her dress. “Well, thanks for the hospitality.” She tossed a breezy wave over her shoulder as she brushed past them and made to leave.

“You’re leaving?” Aster stared after her retreating form.

“No point in staying when she won’t be returning.”

“How can you be sure?”

Heather turned with a grin. “Because Madison won’t stay in any one place for more than a day. I’m surprised she even came here, since it’s registered in her name. Well, her real name. And now that we all know what that is, it won’t be long before the LAPD and the press catch on. The fact that she was here just proves how desperate she is.” Heather shook her head sadly. But Heather wasn’t that good of an actress. It was clear she didn’t feel the least bit sorry for her former friend. “It’s weird to think she’s been gone for so long but never made it past here. Maybe she really did just need a break, but then the whole thing kind of blew up and she didn’t know where to turn.” She twirled a random blond curl around her index finger. “It’s kinda sad if you think about it. I mean, to be that well known and not have a single friend you can count on—other than Paul. All we can do is pray for her now.” She focused on Aster. “I’m sure you already are, only for different reasons, of course.” Heather reached for the door. “Anyway, gotta run. Shooting on the new show is set to begin.” Looking at Ryan, she said, “I really did lobby for you, but they’re trying to get Mateo Luna to sign. Pretty sure you know him.”

“I took myself out of the running early on,” Ryan said, his voice tight.

“Did you?” Heather looked amused. “My bad. Anyway, Mateo’s a natural. A reluctant natural, which makes him even more perfect. Still,

it’s doubtful he’ll do it. He’s kind of a purist.”

“So, you two a thing now?” Aster studied her. She hadn’t liked her before. She liked her less now.

Heather laughed and stepped outside. “I never kiss and tell.” She shot a pointed look Ryan’s way. “You of all people should know that.”

Aster watched Heather climb into her car and drive away. When she was gone, Aster turned to Ryan and said, “What the hell did that mean?”

A flash of pain crossed Ryan’s face. “Nothing. You can’t trust anything she says.”

Aster wasn’t sure she believed him, but they had bigger issues to deal with than the long list of girls Ryan may or may not have slept with. “Do you think we should’ve followed her?” she asked.

Ryan shook his head. “I doubt she knows anything. She’s too narcissistic to waste much time on it. She’ll keep herself just involved enough to be part of the story, but no more.”

“You think she’s right about Madison not returning?”

Ryan shrugged. “Makes sense.”

“But then why would she leave the watch if she was supposedly so attached to it?”

“It was a sentimental attachment,” he said. “But make no mistake, her only real attachment is Blue. Which gives me hope that she really is out there. Even so, if it came down to it, Madison wouldn’t hesitate to walk away from him too.”

Aster gazed in dismay at the mess that surrounded them. “I’m not sure what to do from here.”

“You might want to start by checking your phone.” He nodded toward the table, where her cell vibrated.

“It’s Javen.” She looked at Ryan. “He sent an address. Says Layla’s headed there now.”

“Another dead end?”