Tommy: Sure. We’ve all remained friends.

Spotlight: Anything more you can tell us?

Tommy: I don’t feel comfortable speaking for them. All I can say is that there was a lot of loss and everyone’s doing their best to cope and move forward in the best way possible.

Spotlight: And what about your relationship with Ira Redman?

Tommy: What about it?

Spotlight: We were all shocked to learn he is your dad.

Tommy: There were a lot of shocking reveals that night. That was merely one of them.

Spotlight: What’s it like being Ira Redman’s son?

Tommy: No different from being anyone’s son, I imagine. It’s another relationship to navigate. What I’d really like to talk about is my music. I think my record label would prefer that as well.

Spotlight: Of course! Catch us up—tell us what to expect.

Tommy: Well, as you know, “Violet Eyes” hit number one on iTunes.

Spotlight: And stayed there for multiple weeks. If we’re not mistaken, it’s since maintained a solid position in the top ten. You must be so proud. When does the next single drop?

Tommy: Five more days until “Thoroughbred Girls” will be released, and of course there will be plenty more to follow. A world tour is also in the works, so keep an eye open for that.

Spotlight: We wouldn’t miss it! And we can’t wait for “Thoroughbred Girls”—any hint on what might’ve inspired it?

Tommy: It’s a ballad about a sad, tragic girl who died too young.

Spotlight: Hmmm . . . sounds familiar. Guess we’ll have to wait to decipher the lyrics and see if our hunch is right. Any truth to the dating rumors? We’ve been hearing whispers!

Tommy: I never discuss my love life.

Spotlight: We seem to remember a time when you were much more candid. Speaking of, Madison Brooks is up for an Academy Award. What do you think her chances are of winning?

Tommy: I have no doubt she’ll get it.

Spotlight: Well, the competition is always tough, but we agree that she’s got really good odds. Either way, your loyalty is admirable, to say the least. We know you have to run, but thanks so much for dropping by! And readers, make sure to download “Thoroughbred Girls,” then check back here and we’ll decode the lyrics together!



Trena Moretti stood before the mirror as a swarm of assistants fussed at her makeup, gown, and hair.

The Oscars.

She was actually attending Hollywood’s biggest, most glamorous event. As she took in the sight of her shimmering gown, she wondered if she’d ever get used to the constant stream of exclusive invitations flooding her mailbox.

Weeks after the tragedy at RED, she’d been awarded an Emmy for her reporting on In-Depth. Funny to think how not that long ago, she actually worried what might become of her career once the Madison case was solved. As it turned out, she’d be riding that wave well into the foreseeable future. Her nonfiction book proposal had gone to auction, with the highest bidder offering a healthy seven figures. And if there was one thing she knew, she could always count on Hollywood to offer up a new tragedy. It was just a matter of picking the right one on which to focus.

And, of course, maintaining a good relationship with Detective Larsen and Paul Banks was key. If Larsen hadn’t been following her, and if Paul hadn’t been tracking Madison from the moment she escaped, Trena might never have gotten out of RED alive.

It was Larsen’s distrust that had placed him at the scene. But it was Mateo who’d alerted him that something weird was going on after receiving a disturbing text from Heather—a sort of rhyming good-bye that had left him alarmed.

“You look stunning.”

Trena glanced into the mirror to see James standing behind her. He wore a custom tux, and she had to admit, despite her initial doubts about him, he cleaned up really well.