You’re more stubborn than most

And though I don’t like to boast

I meant what I said

And now, because of you, someone is dead

While you were away

I took the liberty of having my say

M’s diary is now live on your site

Just a matter of time before the world sees it and bites

Will they bite you?

I haven’t a clue

Though I can’t take all the glory

Seeing as how I used your own story

But before you feel bad

Or even start to get mad

Don’t forget it’s your refusal to play

That brought you to this day

If you want this to end

Then consider me your best friend

Only I hold the key

So whatever you do, do not disappoint me

Further instructions will come

And I’m warning you to keep mum

If you share any of this with your gang

I promise, someone will hang.

Her heart pounding, Layla scrolled to her blog. An unvoiced cry died in her throat as she skimmed the post she’d written and had been dumb enough to leave in the draft folder instead of deleting.


Through the Looking Glass

By Layla Harrison

Her stomach churned. It was all there, every word. Her gaze fell to the most incriminating part. If it turned out to be a hoax, and the entry wasn’t really pulled from Madison’s childhood diaries, Madison, or even Madison’s estate, could sue her for slander.

But of course, just as she feared, the words were now posted for the whole world to see.