Tommy peered at his screen, then looked at Layla, Aster, and Ryan, wondering if they’d received the same message.

“It’s a breaking news alert.” Layla’s voice was tipped with panic.

“Larsen went to your trailer.” Aster stared at Madison. “He found your watch.”

Madison narrowed her gaze. “But I hid it.”

“Not very well.” Ryan frowned.

“I left it out in plain view,” Aster said. “I was angry, and I wanted you to know we were onto you in case you returned.” Turning to Ryan, Aster said, “Do you think Heather called him?”

“Heather?” Madison became visibly alarmed. “Heather was there? Why didn’t you mention this earlier?”

“I didn’t think it was a big deal.” Aster shrugged. “I mean, you guys were friends, right?”

Ignoring the question, Madison said, “Tell me everything—leave nothing out.”

Aster paused as though carefully choosing her words. “She talked about how much she missed you, then she flirted with Ryan, called me a Thoroughbred Girl—which she meant as an insult—”

“A what?” Layla leaned closer.

Aster groaned. “She’s got some chip on her shoulder from when she grew up on a ranch or something.”

“Heather didn’t grow up on a ranch.” Madison’s face darkened. “She’s from coastal Florida.”

“Well, she told some story about working on a ranch and how she hated the rich girls who boarded their horses there, or something like that.” Aster leaned her head against Ryan’s shoulder.

“Did she mention the name of the ranch?”

Aster looked up at Ryan, and he shook his head. “Not sure it matters,” he said. “If Larsen found the trailer, it’s just a matter of time before he finds this place too. I think we should leave. The sooner the better.”

“But what about her?” Aster stared pointedly at Madison. “She’s my ticket to freedom. We can’t just let her out of our sight.”

“I think she should stay with Tommy,” Layla said, surprising pretty much everyone in the room, but no one more than Tommy.

After the moment they’d shared outside, it was the last thing he expected.

“There’s no other option,” she explained. “I live with my dad and Aster’s at the W, which Ira owns. . . .”

“Actually,” Aster said, “I’ve been staying with Ryan.”

Tommy awkwardly cleared his throat. “Guess that leaves me then.” He looked at Madison, regretting how he’d just made her sound like some sort of disappointing consolation prize. “I have plenty of room, but you’re going to have to continue wearing the disguise.”

Madison hesitated. Then, looking at Layla, she said, “Thanks.”

Layla nodded curtly and headed for the door. Tommy was about to follow when everyone’s phone chimed again.

“What now?” Madison peered over Tommy’s shoulder to read.

Five little liars walking out the door

One ran off and then there were four

Four little liars looking for the key

One got scared and then there were three

Three little liars searching for a clue