Valentina had just started opening the box when Mateo moved in to help, but Layla, in a rush, beat him to it.

“Here, let me!” Fingers trembling, she ran a nail under the tape, unfolded the flaps, and held her breath in her cheeks as she looked inside. It was a bear. An adorable stuffed bear—the kind with hinged arms and legs and soft, plushy fur.

“Uh, are you going to let me see it?” Valentina asked, as Layla became aware that everyone was now staring at her.

“Yes. Um, of course!” Trying to sound cheery and upbeat, which was always a stretch even on a good day, she freed it from the box and gave it a quick but thorough inspection before Valentina pretty much demanded she hand it over.

Layla’s stomach churned. She watched Valentina grin as she lifted its arms, patted its fur, and made its legs kick back and forth. Would she be forced to wait for the nurse to leave and Valentina to fall back asleep so she could slice it open and get to the surprise that was waiting for her?

She was contemplating doing exactly that, when her gaze dropped to the bottom of the box and she saw an envelope bearing her name in the familiar curlicue script.

Somewhere deep inside awaits yet another surprise . . . Did that refer to the message hidden deep inside the box, as opposed to something far more sinister lurking deep inside the bear? Layla could only hope.

Valentina continued to play with the bear. It was amazing how one moment she was like some ageless sage—a dispenser of wisdom—and the next, an average ten-year-old girl who’d received a lovely new toy from a secret admirer.

“Who do you think sent it?” Valentina asked, barely able to take her eyes off it.

“Probably some cute boy in your class who misses you and wants you to get well soon,” Layla said, laughing when Valentina responded by crinkling her nose in distaste.

At that moment, Layla wanted nothing more than to place Valentina in a bubble and keep her safe from the world.

But the world was patient, and in the end, there was no good way to avoid it.

“I think that’s enough excitement for one day,” the nurse said, giving Mateo and Layla each a stern look.

“Don’t be a stranger,” Valentina said as they were preparing to leave.

Layla looked from the bear to Valentina, hoping she’d done the right thing by letting her have it. But what choice did she have?

“I won’t,” Layla promised, shooting a questioning look toward the nurse, who refused to respond either way.

With the door closed behind them, Layla tossed the box in the bin, shoved the envelope in her bag, and told Mateo to hurry.




Through the Looking Glass

By Layla Harrison

Ever look at the dark side of a mirror?

When you were a kid, did you ever flip it over to see how it worked?

Were you surprised to learn your reflection was the result of nothing more than a thin sheet of glass with a metallic backing?

And if so, did its magic dim just the tiniest bit?

Maybe that was just me, but I do believe celebrity works in much the same way.

When a Hollywood starlet first appears on the scene, they’re like the shiny surface of the mirror, all gleaming and bright. While we, as potential haters or fans, are like the dingy metallic backing, reflecting all sorts of attributes the celebrity may or may not deserve.

Which brings me to Madison Brooks.

Since she disappeared, there’s been an outpouring of emotion and wild proclamations of love—all of which begs the question: