“So they’re parallel c

rimes, but not necessarily connected?” Aster took a moment to consider it.

“Well, I know what I’m going to do,” Layla said, taking a moment to review the plan in her head before she divulged it. “I’m going to issue a challenge on my blog and see where it leads. It’s the only way I can think of to communicate, since my stalker always seems to know exactly where to find me, but I have no idea where to begin looking for them. Mind if I borrow that computer?”

Javen passed the laptop to Layla, who quickly logged in and posted a brief message on her blog.


The Tail Tale of the Not-So-Curious Cat

If you want the cat to play

Then give her something juicy to say

You’ll need to go the extra mile

And send her something worthwhile

Otherwise, don’t waste her time

With your pitiful list of petty crimes.

“What’s with the rhyme?” Aster peered over her shoulder.

“It’s our thing.” Layla cringed as she reread it. “And don’t judge. I’m a journalist, not a poet. This is the best I can do on short notice.”

“You sure you want to post that?” Ryan’s voice was skeptical.

“It’s already done.” Layla returned the computer to Javen. “Now we wait and see if they bite. And Aster, it’s time you watch that DVD. I’ll watch it with you, if you want. For all we know there could be a clue on there. But either way, we need to get a better idea of exactly what happened to you, once and for all.”



Aster Amirpour pulled the brim of her hat so low it nearly covered her face as she pumped the gas pedal impatiently with her foot, inching the car forward bit by bit as she waited for her parents to open the gate.

With the crowd of paparazzi gathered outside her car, banging on the windows and shouting her name, the intervening seconds seemed to drag on for an eternity. Finally the gate slowly eased open and Aster shot forward, leaving the swarm in her wake as she sped down the drive and came to a skidding halt in front of the garage.

She paused in her seat and gripped the wheel hard, her breath coming hectic, too fast, as she willed herself to relax and get a grip on herself.

She could do this.

She had to do this.

Inside, her parents were waiting, and she’d put them through enough hell already. Last thing she needed was to bail on their agreement to meet.

Sliding out of the car, she hurried across the stone drive and made her way to the door, wondering who she’d find waiting on its other side—the maid or Nanny Mitra. She was hoping for Javen, thinking a friendly face might set her at ease, when the door swung open, she took one look at her father, and instinctively barreled into his arms.

He nudged the door closed with his foot and returned the embrace. But it wasn’t his usual hug. His demeanor was perfunctory, stiff, and not nearly as warm and welcoming as Aster once remembered him being.

A moment later, she pulled away, swiped a hand over her face, and said, “Hi, Dad.”

He returned her greeting with the saddest gaze she’d ever seen.

She looked past his shoulder to find her mother standing just behind him, though Aster settled for nodding, knowing better than to try to hug her. Nanny Mitra stood by the grand staircase, but Aster, still feeling the sting of her betrayal, chose to focus on her brother instead.

Remembering their agreement to pretend they hadn’t seen each other until now, she hugged him fiercely and ruffled his hair, until he finally whispered, “Jeez, Aster, don’t overdo it.” And she quickly released him and stood awkwardly before them, unsure what came next.