But the second he caught my eye, caught me looking at him, I looked away.

The last thing I needed was for him to read those particular thoughts.

And just to protect myself further, just to keep everything orderly and straight and tucked away in its place, I’d also decided that, no matter how cute and nice he might continue to reveal himself to be—he would always, secretly at least, remain dorky guy to me.

It was easier that way.

I pushed my legs together and pointed my toes like arrows, having learned earlier that doing so would rid me of any and all wind resistance, and allow me to soar even faster and higher. And even though I heard Buttercup barking behind me, torn between chasing after me and a whole new flock of birds he’d stumbled upon, even though Bodhi called out to me, saying, “Hey—Riley—just say the word when you’re ready to come in for a landing!” I pretended not to hear.

Because the truth is, after seeing all that I had, I could no longer find it within me to land.

I’d suddenly become aware of something I’d failed to see before.

The earth kept spinning.

People kept loving, and laughing, and breathing.

Everyone remained busy with the busy-making business of living.

And not one of them even sensed my existence.


t one of them even knew I still walked among them.

Not to mention how it was time to face the fact that even the people who had known me—my friends and teachers and stuff—well, they’d already moved on. Already moved away from me, and on with their own lives—having reduced me to a small, packed-away memory of a poor, unfortunate, twelve-year-old girl whose life was abruptly cut short. Not wanting to dwell on my loss any longer than necessary, lest it make them ponder their own ever-shrinking existences.

And while I knew Ever missed me, as did my aunt Sabine, as far as everyone else was concerned, well, the number of people who even still thought of me on the rarest occasion was dwindling down to only a few.

I closed my eyes tightly, feeling that awful burn threatening to spill out the sides, as I took a moment to quickly list all of the very good and valid reasons why I had absolutely no plausible motive to cry.

I felt more alive than ever, despite my current state of invisibility.

I had just completed my task, Bodhi completed his, and the two of us together had truly helped our fellow souls and done something good.

I was flying! Soaring over a part of the world I’d always wanted to see, and to make it even better, my dog was sailing and swooping through the clouds right along with me.

My guide turned out to be not nearly as big of a dork as I’d first pegged him to be, which also meant he might not be quite so horrible to work with in the future. Not to mention how I just might’ve learned a very important lesson about judging people based solely on their appearance.

Or maybe not.

That last bit would remain to be seen.

And just as I was thinking these things, my eyes still shut tightly, blocking everything out of my sight, Bodhi swooped up from behind me and yelled, “Hey, Riley—watch out!”

My eyes snapped open, only to find myself soaring head-on into a tall building made of the kind of glass that reflects everything around it.

And I was struck.

Not by fear, since I knew I was in no danger, I’d just simply sail right through it if I failed to stop or slow down.

No, the truth is, I was struck by me.

Struck by the sight of me.

By the way my whole body glowed in a way that it had never done before.

Glowed in the way cheerleader girl’s had.