But I couldn’t.

Couldn’t dupe them like that.

So instead, I looked them each in the eye and said, “The thing is, you will miss it. I’m afraid there’s just no getting around it, it’s practically guaranteed. But, if you play it right, you could come back for a visit. I mean, look at me—I’m here, right? Not to mention all the others before me who came here to get you. So, what do you say? Are you ready for an adventure, to try something new for a change?”

They turned to each other and consulted among themselves. Taking their time to go over it thoroughly, point by point, before turning back to me. Strawberry head taking the lead once again when he said, “Is now the time when you make the light appear?”

But I just laughed, shaking my head as I said, “No, silly. Now’s the time when I take you to the bridge.”


If I’d had one of those special cameras like the ghost-buster lady’s, I would’ve used it to take a picture of Bodhi’s face when I exited the blue room with a whole string of (not-so) Radiant Boys behind me.

“So, what now?” I asked, as they milled all about. Narrowing my eyes and shaking my head at Buttercup who’d run toward me and was busily licking my fingers as he gazed up at me with those big brown eyes, desperate for me to forgive him for bailing on me, and attempting to get on my good side again. “How do we get them to the bridge?”

But Bodhi didn’t answer.

He was far too

speechless for that.

His gaze darting among them, counting and recounting in his head, obviously newly amazed each time it added up to three.

“How did you—” He shook his head and removed his glasses, rubbing his eyes and blinking a bunch of times, before putting them back on and blinking some more.

“Never mind how I did it, just tell me how to get these guys to the bridge before they chicken out and change their minds,” I said, refusing to give away my tricks of the trade, not while I was still learning my way.

“Who you calling a chicken?” strawberry head said, making his eyes and mouth go all creepy again, in a way that made Buttercup whimper and Bodhi almost fall off the banister.

But I just looked right at him and said, “You. I’m calling you a chicken. Ten bucks says you and your friends cry like babies and refuse to even cross it.”

“You forget that money has no value to us. Or, maybe you didn’t forget.” Strawberry head lifted a brow and smiled knowingly. “You don’t need to trick us into crossing over, you know. Your little speech was convincing enough.”

“Really?” I tried to hold back my smile, but it was no use. I couldn’t help but feel proud of myself, and proud of them for making the choice that they had. “Well, the truth is, you helped me too.” As much as three ten-year-olds can help an older, wiser, more mature girl of twelve. “So, well, thanks.”

“You’re welcome,” strawberry head said, suddenly sounding far more mature than his years. “And, for the record, just so you know, we’re almost eleven. Oh, and my name’s not strawberry head.” His eyes met mine but thankfully they bore no ill will. “It’s Hans. And this is Dieter and Wolfgang.” He motioned toward his blond brothers. We’re triplets, and I’m the oldest—by seventy seconds.”

I nodded, feeling bad that he’d clued into my thoughts. I was really going to have to watch myself if I wanted to make any friends in the afterlife.

“So? Just where is this bridge anyway?” Wolfgang said, as his brothers nodded beside him, obviously eager to move on to the next adventure.

Bodhi slid his straw to the other side of his mouth, fully recovered from the shock of seeing them and completely back on his game when he said, “Okay, now everybody join hands. And Riley, you hold on to Buttercup, as we all imagine a shimmering veil of soft golden light . . .”

The trip to Summerland was brief. So brief it included no time for looking around, reconnecting with friends, or getting reacquainted with my favorite old haunts.

It’s like, one minute we’d walked through the golden mist, landed smack-dab at the foot of the bridge, and were bidding the Radiant Boys farewell, and the next, we were right back where we left off. Standing in the long hallway in Warmington Castle, as I looked at Bodhi and said, “Do you think they’ll be reunited with someone—like maybe their mother? Or has it been too long for all that?”

But Bodhi just shrugged, dismissing me and my question in a way so noncommittal, so completely uninterested, it immediately got on my nerves.

I mean, a little credit would’ve been nice.

A little: Way to go! Good job! Even a high-five would’ve sufficed.

But nooo.

Not only had he barely even acknowledged the monumental task I’d just pulled off, but he also managed to land us right back where we started, which wasn’t anywhere close to London, or a runway for that matter.

“What gives?” I scowled, wondering why he made us come all the way back here.