“I really hope those are tears of joy,” Lita says.

I nod. Swipe the back of my hand across my cheeks, and confirm that they are.

“Are you going to tell us what you saw?” Xotichl asks.

“And spoil the surprise?” I sniff, shake my head, still captured by the wonder of it. “No way.” I grin. “But someday, I promise, you’ll see for yourself.” I wrap my arms around my waist, hardly able to contain the surge of happiness and joy streaming within. Unable to recall a time when I’ve felt so content, I return to the present, the life that I’ve made, the wonderful people gathered around me, and place the feather on top of Chay’s grave.

When it’s done, Leftfoot looks at us and says, “I think it’s time we head home.”

Everyone mumbles their agreement and starts to follow his lead, except for Dace and I who continue to linger.

“Aren’t you coming?” Jennika peers at me with red-rimmed eyes, her hair falling in soft messy waves around her dirt-smudged features. Her filthy, torn clothes a testament to all that she risked to support me.

“Go home. Get some rest.” I move in for a hug. Hoping to convey just how much I appreciate all that she’s sacrificed on my behalf, not just today, but pretty much every day since she brought me into the world. “Dace and I are going to stick around for a bit. We’ll catch up later.”

She nods. Traces a finger over each cheek, and tucks my hair back behind my ears. “Be safe.” She lifts the buckskin pouch from her neck, and loops it around mine.

“Django’s Bear.” I finger the drawstring, about to retrieve it and give it to her. “Do you want it? As a way to remember?”

“I don’t need it.” She grins. “I made my wish. It’s as good as done.”

Dace and I stand together, watching as Leftfoot leads them away. Then he pulls me into his arms, kisses the very tip of my nose, and says, “So, now that they’re gone, will you tell me?”

“Tell you what?” I tilt my head, lift my gaze to meet his, knowing exactly what he’s referring to but enjoying the tease.

“C’mon, just a hint?” He presses a kiss on my forehead, my cheek, before settling onto my lips.

“And wreck the surprise? No way!” My lips merge with his in a kiss that’s soft and affectionate at first, though it’s not long before it deepens into an urgent need for more.

Despite my exhaustion, despite knowing firsthand what they mean when they say bone tired, here, in Dace’s arms, I’m teeming with an overwhelming sense of triumph and aliveness. Finally realizing—really, truly realizing—the enormity of what we pulled off.

The full extent of our victory so much bigger than putting a stop to Coyote.

By working together, we thwarted a prophecy.

Only this time in a way that undeniably eradicates evil and celebrates good.

The world spared because of our capacity to love, even when it wasn’t easy to do.

Dace pulls away, leaving my lips cold in his absence. “Shall we?” He motions toward the spring. Its misty bubbling waters seeming to beckon.

“I think we’ve earned it, don’t you?”

He grins, his icy-blue eyes finding mine, reflecting my image thousands of times. “You look exactly as I envisioned you that day at the cave.”

I cock my head, at first not sure what he’s getting at.

“When I came to you in your vision quest, and described the beautiful, radiant woman you would someday become if you could just hang in there.”

“I remember,” I say, voice thick with the memory.

“You made it, Daire.”

“We both made it,” I say.

“It’s like coming full circle. This is where it all began in the dream we both shared. Only this time, with the Richters gone, the ending is ours to determine.”

We shed our clothes quickly and step in. The waters rising to our waists until we grasp each other’s hand and immerse ourselves completely, only to emerge newly healed and refreshed.