But the truth is, I haven’t lost anything.

I can feel Paloma beside me, egging me on.

I can hear Valentina whispering words of encouragement into my ear.

I can sense Django’s presence all around me, telling me how proud he is of his little girl.

They’re all here. Every last one of them. And we will do this together.

“Think from the end,” I tell Dace. “Locate the sun in your mind, and position it high into the sky. Feel its warmth. Revel in its light. Believe in your ability to work a miracle, and merge your soul with that of the earth—the elements—the spirit animals. You have to want this with all your heart—more than you’ve ever wanted anything in your life. And you have to place your full intention on seeing it done. Oh, and, in addition to that, you also might want to use every bit of magick Leftfoot taught you. If we can manage it—there’s no reason we can’t pull this off.”

My voice continues to soar, carried by the wind, it echoes through the canyon.

I sing with all I have in me.

Sing until my voice grows hoarse and scratchy.

Aware of Dace glowing beside me—his magick returning life to the earth as the harsh red rock beneath our feet gives way to a soft, squishy lawn.

I can hear Raven call, breaking free of his cage, he lands on my shoulder. His cry soon joined by Paloma’s White Wolf, Django’s Bear, Chay’s Eagle, Valentina’s Raccoon, and many more I can’t immediately recognize.

All of us joined in solidarity—the desire to restore peace and balance to the worlds.

And when Dace squeezes my hand, urging me to open my eyes, I’m met with the glorious sight of a bright golden sun rising before us.

Without my even noticing, at some point during my song, the rain stopped, the earth stilled, the wind died, and dark conceded to light.

And what the night once disguised as the enemy, the light of day has revealed to be our bedraggled group of assorted friends and family.

Xotichl leads the way, as Auden and Lita flank either side, and Jennika, Chepi, and Leftfoot bring up the rear.

All of them filthy, weary, and more radiant than I’ve ever seen them.



“Django came.” Jennika looks at me, her eyes wide, as though she can still hardly believe it.

“You actually saw him? As in, he manifested himself before you?” I ask.

She smiles, wraps an arm around my waist, and kisses me smack in the middle of my forehead. The move upsetting Raven who moves from a perch on my shoulder to a nearby tree. “Unless I was hallucinating, which is entirely possible . . .”

“Don’t,” I say. “Don’t doubt your experience. If nothing else, a few visits to Enchantment should’ve taught you that there’s more that remains hidden than seen.”

She rests her head on my shoulder and sighs. Indulging a moment of silence, before she goes on to say, “Is it possible that one of the worst nights of your life could also turn out to be one of the best?” I look at her, waiting for more, but she just shakes her head, choosing to keep the specifics to herself. “A very long story for another day. Let’s just say it was an amazing reunion. Not only did Django help me to heal Leftfoot and save his life, but he also helped me to save my own. I’m finally ready, Daire. I’m finally ready to stop running and take a chance on building something that may or may not turn out to be permanent, but either way, I’m perfectly okay with it.” I hug her tightly, knowing she’s referring to a future with Harlan, and I couldn’t be happier. I’ve been rooting for them since the first day I met him.

“I have so much to tell you, but it can all wait. Just know that I’m so incredibly proud of you. And while I never quite doubted you, I did fear for you.”

“But that’s your job, right?” I grin. “I mean, it’s not like you’re planning on giving that up just because I saved the three worlds from complete devastation.”

“Of course not, don’t be silly.” She wipes a finger under my eye, removing a mascara smudge more out of habit than any real belief that it could possibly work. I’m a mess. Filthy in the way only a long hot shower could possibly remedy. Still, the fact that she even tries makes us both laugh.

“Would you like to touch up my lip gloss too? I’m pretty sure the last of it wore off somewhere between my seventh and eighth demon kill.”

“I wouldn’t even try.” She laughs. “You look far more radiant than you could ever imagine. Besides, you should probably check in with your friends.” She nods toward the place where Lita stands. “Lita in particular. She’s not doing so well.”

Without another word, I head in her direction. Pausing briefly by Dace who’s talking with Leftfoot and Chepi.