Or, perhaps even demons.

Who else would charge so freely through the night?

Guess I didn’t get them all like I thought.

I stand before Daire. Feet spread wide, hands clenched by my sides, as she continues her song, not missing a beat. With no place to take cover, we’re completely exposed. Still I’ll do whatever it takes to keep my girl safe.

I take a step forward, ready to face the threat, whatever it may turn out to be. The bit of darkness Daire failed to eradicate thrumming, stirring, enlivened by the possibility of another bout of violence, an act of revenge.

Only this time, unlike the last time, the darkness is mine to control.

I will do what’s required and no more.

I won’t be ruled by revenge fantasies—won’t cause any more harm than is actually warranted.

The ground shakes from under my feet.

A fierce wind whips through the land.

As the night sky cracks open, releasing a hard-driving rain.

And still the enemy approaches.

Daire’s singing the songs of Wind—Fire—Earth—Air—the very harmonies revealed to her after surviving a series of brutal initiations during her training. But while the songs allow her to manipulate the elements—they fail to restore light to the worlds.

“Come,” she says, interrupting her song. “We’re stronger together.”

I hesitate, reluctant to turn my back on the enemy when there’s so much at stake.

“Did you actually believe what you told me?” she asks. “When you said that love is the only force more powerful than evil.” Her voice is impatient, and with good reason. Still, when I hesitate, she says, “Love is the reason you’re here. Love is what saved you. And that’s all the proof that I need. Now, I’m hoping it’s strong enough to save us all. So forget about protecting us with your fists, and take hold of my hand, before it’s too late.”

Without hesitation, I do as she says. The two of us standing together in a wall of love and solidarity, with a whisper of hope held tight in our hearts. Waiting for either the sun to rise, or the world to end.

Either way, we’ll meet it together.



It’s always darkest before the dawn.

Or at least that’s what I tell myself to explain away the earth rumbling under our feet, the wind lashing our bodies, and the torrent of rain pelting our heads.

If I’m the cause, if I’m the one manipulating the elements, and there’s no doubt I am, why is it I only seem capable of destruction?

I grip Dace’s hand tighter. Buoyed by his energy, his love, his willingness to believe in me and my ability to reverse all that’s been done—all the while humming the four songs under my breath. Earth, Air, Water, Fire—songs that came at great risk. Songs that were only revealed after passing their tests.

Their lyrics connecting me to the elements, in much the same way Dace was once connected to Cade. Each depending on the other for its very existence.

The tips of my fingers begin to vibrate and thrum, and it’s not long before I realize it’s the result of my contact with Dace. Our combined energy making for a force that’s palpable, alive.

And suddenly I understand the very truth of our existence. It wasn’t just the twins who were connected—we are all connected. Each and every one of us has a role, a duty, to sustain each other and keep the world balanced.

This is exactly what Paloma meant when she told me I never walk alone. While she was mostly referring to my ancestors, and a power far greater than I—I now realize it goes so much deeper than I first realized.

Like the vision I saw in one of the very first dreams that started it all—the moment Dace kissed me and a spark of images blazed through my mind until I finally understood what it was trying to tell me—that I’m an integral part of everything—and everything is an integral part of me.

The thought filling me with so much joy, I shutter my eyes to keep from crying. Captured by the wonder of how it’s possible for my heart to feel so very full when I’ve lost nearly everything I once held so dear.