“Either that, or once again, Cade got impatient and decided to jumpstart the event.”

“While we may never have the answer, perhaps you can find a way to make the stone work for you. What is it you told me about its properties?”

“It’s a shamanic tool, it activates the third eye, and in times of trouble, it can guide one toward safety . . .” My eyes grow wide with understanding. “So, you’re saying I should use it to lead me to the Richters instead of it leading them to me?”

His eyes shine as much as they’re able under the circumstances. “Either way, you’re bound to meet. But at least this way puts you in control of the situation.”

It doesn’t take long to concede that he’s right. But before I enact my new plan, I first need to know that the elders are safe. “Where are the others?” I ask. “Leftfoot, Cree, and Chepi?”

“They’re all here, somewhere. Figured it was best to separate so if worse came to worst, the Richters couldn’t take us all at once.”

I close my eyes. Hardly able to believe the danger I’ve put them all in.

“Hey now. There’s no time for regrets.” Chay tips a finger to my chin. “We’ve been part of this fight from the start. Long before you were born. What happens from this moment forward is not your fault. You hear?”

I nod because he expects me to, but I can’t quite shake my remorse.

“If you’re going to worry about anyone, save it for Jennika.”

My eyes snap open.

“I couldn’t stop her. She insisted on coming.”

“Tell me you didn’t really just say that,” I plead, wondering how it’s possible for this to get any worse. Though the look on his face confirms it’s the truth. “Is she at least armed?” Figuring what’s done is done, it’s better to veer toward the practical. “And what I mean by that is—is she armed with something other than a fierce maternal instinct to save her cub no matter the cost?”

Chay attempts agrin, but doesn’t get very far before his lips flatten, and his face pales from the strain. “She told us she’s quite proficient at archery, so Leftfoot set her up.”

“Proficient?” I frown, allowing a quick trip to the past when she took a few lessons during filming breaks on a movie set, but I don’t remember her adding it to her short list of hobbies. “At best, she’s an amateur,” I say, growing inexplicably angry at Jennika for overstating her skills and putting herself in grave danger.

“Well, it’s going to have to prove good enough.” Chay brushes a hand across his forehead, coming away with a film of sweat coating his fingers. “Anyway, you ready?”

I look at him.

“Fun’s just getting started.”

“You call this fun?”

“Like anything, it’s all in the perspective.”

He slips his Eagle ring from his finger, holds it high above his head, and emits a quick series of whistles that perfectly imitate their high-pitched peal.

“What’re you doing?” I ask, worried he’ll attract Richters and demons before I’m ready to face them.

Chay flattens a hand to his belly. Seeing my look of concern, he jabs a finger toward the sky, gesturing toward the beautiful Eagle soaring in ever-widening circles above. “He’s hunting for Richters,” he says, watching his magnificent spirit animal at work, which only makes me wonder what happened to mine.

“Will he bring them back to us?”

Chay tries to laugh, but it’s as unsuccessful as the grin. “Not likely. But if you follow, he’ll lead you to them. Think of him as a backup to the tourmaline.”

I shift my focus to Chay, adding up all the signs of physical distress he’s displayed since he arrived, and becoming even more convinced that something’s gone terribly wrong. “If I hurry? What about you? It’s your sprit animal. Aren’t you coming with me?”

He shakes his head sadly, and flips open his jacket. Revealing the place where blood continuously pumps from a wound hidden inside his shirt. “Looks like you’re not the only one who met up with Leandro.” His complexion pales, his gaze grows blunted, distant, and when I rush to help, he pushes me away.

“I’m a healer! I can help you!” I cry, mentally reviewing the short list of quick fixes and remedies.

“That’s a side gig.” He grasps my hands and folds them in his. “You’re the Seeker first and foremost, which means you cannot afford to get distracted by me. Go, Daire. You’ve got a job to do. I’ll be fine.”