He races toward the vortex, vanishing as quickly as he appeared. As I struggle to my feet, struggle to digest this hideous turn of events. Vaguely aware of a hand shooting out from behind me, as a hurried voice says, “There you are, flower. I’ve been looking all over for you!”

And before I can respond, Auden is pulling me through the glimmering veil.



I glance over my shoulder, searching for Xotichl and Auden. Catching only a fleeting glimpse of them, before a surge of people intervene and they seem to vanish from sight.

Where are all these people going? This wasn’t part of the plan!

I look at Axel, wondering if he’s thinking the same thing as I am. But he just tightens his grip and pulls me past the shimmering veil where we pause long enough to get our bearings and confirm this is nothing at all like it was the last time I visited.

Whenever there’s a party at the Rabbit Hole, the Richters like to host their own private party within the party. It’s considered a big deal to get an invite, mostly because it’s all very cloak and dagger and shrouded in mystery. Involving things like blindfolds and cigarettes which, I later learned, were used to appease the demons guarding the entrance.

But now it’s nothing like that.

Not only are there no demons, but what was once a bizarre luxury cave with gilded antique furniture and priceless pieces of art is now just a burned-out shell leading to a wasteland of mile after mile of dull yellow sand that, according to Daire—who gave specific instructions to get through the tin walkway, the luxury cave, and then the second vortex beyond that leads to the valley of sand—isn’t supposed to come until later.

“The landscape’s all wrong.” I cling tightly to Axel, afraid of losing him in the throngs of people rushing around us, seemingly with no real direction in mind. Their eyes glazed, their movements jerky, almost robotic, as though they’re not quite acting of their own accord.

“That’s the least of what’s wrong.” Axel’s features sharpen, his eyes crease with worry. “Check out the tourmaline pendants those girls are wearing.”

I follow his gaze to see the gems glowing, blinking, as though a magickal switch was turned on.

“Jacy and Crickett are wearing those pendants—and Daire has the ring—we have to help them!” I’m filled with adrenaline, motivated by my need to rescue them all, until I take a good look at my surroundings, watching as the world descends into chaos, and realize I’m way out of my league. This goes far beyond any abilities a couple of feathers might’ve bestowed upon me. “This is a disaster!” My shoulders sink, my eyes burn, I’m falling apart, succumbing to the pressure, along with the growing certainty that it’s about to get worse. “How could this happen, when it was all going as planned?”

Axel responds with a grave face, as he pulls me alongside him through the valley of sand. “Looks like the Richters were in control all along.”



When the drum sounds, when the vortex illuminates, Leandro lifts his drink high and clinks his glass against mine. “Just like clockwork.” He grins, takes a final sip, and abandons his scotch on the bar. “Would you like to do the honors?”

I shake my head, causing him to doubt me again.

“You go first,” I say, in an effort to appease him. “But go easy on her. Don’t be too rough. I have a big finale planned for the end. And I want the Seeker lucid enough to enjoy it.”

Leandro’s grin grows wider. I’m finally speaking his language. “Just so you know, Gabe will want a shot at her. Heck, Marliz too. She’s always hated her.”

“Then they better get in line. And you better get moving before she gets too much of a head start.”

With a face filled with fatherly pride, he takes a moment to pat me on the back then he’s gone in a flash. Leaving me to study my brother from across the room. Still lying prone in the hall where Daire punched him.

Get up, fool.

His head swings. His eyes veer toward mine.

If I didn’t know better, I’d think that he heard.

“Leandro’s right.” I move toward him, closing the distance in a handful of steps. “You’re an embarrassment to all of us.”

He glares, curses under his breath, and struggles to his feet. His jaw marked by Daire’s fist. His mind a torment of heartbreak and rage.

Killing him is going to be ridiculously easy.

I brush past him on my way to the vortex. Knocking his shoulder so hard he stumbles, loses his balance, nearly ends up right back on the floor. “Get a grip,” I tell him. “Leandro’s going after the Seeker, and you’re in enough trouble already. If you’re smart, you’ll get moving and get to her first.”