The second thing I notice is how those floodlights reflect off the glossy black onyx exterior, making it shine as bright and imposing as a monolith.

Last I was here, it was still partially concealed by the barricades. But now that it’s unveiled, it’s abundantly clear that the days of humble adobe are gone. This new Rabbit Hole is modern, sleek, and twice the size of the last one. The lack of windows and cool, stone walls giving it the look and feel of a massive mausoleum, which, I guess in a way it is. The material specifically chosen to impart staying power and strength while serving to house the spirits of Richters long past.

Though, as I already know from my previous visit, the real transformation happens inside.

Lita whistles under her breath. “Sheesh—I feel like I’ve been teleported to someplace way better than Enchantment. It’s so luxe and loungey, and . . . I hate to admit it, but it really is pretty amazing.”

I take a good look around, noting how different it looks from the night I broke in, when I was forced to find my way using the dim, yellow glow of the security lights.

Until Dace and Leandro arrived, and I clung to the shadows in a bid to remain undetected.

And though I did manage to sneak out without being caught, I’m convinced that Dace saw me.

There was a moment in the hall, just a handful of steps from each other. And though it took all of my will not to barrel straight into his arms, I know beyond a doubt he sensed my presence just as surely as I sensed his.

The fact that he chose not to alert Leandro provides a small shred of hope that I cling to.

It’s the hope that’s carried me through the loneliness of time spent without him.

It’s the hope I will lean on tonight.

Dace is still on my side. Despite what everyone thinks, he’s determined to help me.

Our love is enough to conquer the beast.

“Not as crowded as I thought it would be.” I shake free of the thought and check out the bar with the mosaic snake sculpture hanging overhead, the glass tiles shimmering in a way that makes it appear to be slithering.

Lita grasps Axel’s wrist, checking the time on the watch she gave him for their three-month anniversary. “Trust me, they’ll show. No self-respecting denizen of Enchantment would miss a chance to dress up and guzzle free drinks. Another ten minutes and we’ll be fighting for space.”

As it turns out, it’s only five minutes later when the room begins to fill, and Lita points toward the door. “Isn’t that Jacy and Crickett?” She nods in their direction. “I haven’t seen them since last New Year’s Eve. Funny how even with the masks, it’s easy to spot them.”

“You should go talk to them.” I follow her gaze, watching as her former friends nervously fuss at their hair and cling to their dates. The tourmaline pendants they received in the New Year’s Eve swag bags hanging from their necks, much like all the other women in the room, while, according to Lita, the men got leather bracelets with tourmaline chunks woven in.

Lita crinkles her nose, wanting me to know she doesn’t like the assignment. “We have nothing in common. I wouldn’t even know what to say. Besides, shouldn’t we wait for Auden and Xotichl? They should’ve been here by now.”

“Xotichl sent me a text. They’re runnin

g late. But they’ll be here.”

“They better be.” Lita frowns. “We’ve got a lot depending on them.”

“I’ll handle that, you handle them.” I nod toward her former friends. “There’s a good chance they might know something useful. Last time I saw them, they were definitely under Cade’s spell. For all I know, they still are.” When she continues to hesitate, I add, “In case you haven’t noticed, they’re totally staring at Axel. You may as well give them a better look.”

Lita’s eyes gleam from the other side of her mask. The chance to gloat in front of her former friends is too good to miss. After taking a moment to adjust Axel’s lapels and push a stray curl into place, she marches him across the room, leaving me to wander free on my own.

I move among the clusters of low-slung banquettes, past the large, iron sculptures that look just like trees, until I stop, frozen in place, with legs turned to lead.

My mouth goes dry.

A shiver slips over my skin.

While my knees tremble ever so slightly.

Just like the dream, I feel him before I see him.

But when I turn to acknowledge him, his dark, fathomless eyes are all I need to see to know part of him is missing.

He’s already transitioning into the beast he’s destined to be.