“Cap’s a little chewed, but it works.” Auden looks sheepish, worried he’s already blown it before it’s begun.

“That’s fine for scratching down a song on a napkin, but moments like these deserve something special.” He pulls a shiny black pen from his pocket and hands it to Auden. His eyes glinting as Auden rolls the pen back and forth across his palm.

“Are those sapphires?” He studies the jewel-crusted cap. “Guess that’s the difference between a pen and a writing instrument.” He looks between Luther and me. “This thing probably cost more than my car!”

“Oh, it definitely costs more than your car.” Luther laughs, casting a derisive glance toward Auden’s wreck of a station wagon. “Those are real gems on the cap, the barrel is onyx, and the nub is crafted from gold. Twenty-four karats, at that.”

“And what’s the pattern engraved on it? I can’t quite make it out . . .”

“Sun and moon.”

Auden squints, angles the pen toward the light.

“Got a thing for astronomy.” Luther lifts his shoulder, makes a guilty face. “Anyway . . .” He gestures toward the papers he’s spread across the hood of his car, as Auden slips off the gem-covered cap and prepares for the moment he’s been dreaming of since he was a kid, but ends up flinching instead.

“Ouch!” He jams his thumb between his lips as a drop of blood lands on the contract, just below the signature line. “Didn’t realize it was a fountain pen. I must’ve nicked myself on the tip. And worse, looks like I spilled some blood on the papers.”

Luther waves it away, pulls a freshly pressed handkerchief from his pocket and hands it to Auden. “Most great success requires a little shedding of blood, right? Guess I should’ve warned you, most people don’t use fountain pens anymore, but I like the formality. Anyway, as long as you’re not too badly hurt, I can ignore a few bloodstains. Unless you prefer I come back in a few days with a clean copy?”

“You kidding? I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life. Let’s do this!”

His finger still bleeding, Auden wraps the kerchief around it, and goes about signing the documents. Methodically working his way through the stacks, as Luther turns to me and in a lowered voice, says, “I can’t tell you how I felt when I first heard him play. I knew at that moment I was looking at a future star. The kid’s got the whole package. Looks, talent, the right disposition, a solid work ethic, and a unique sound all his own. Oh, and he’s just hungry and ambitious enough to take it all the way. He’s going to be huge, Xotichl. You sure you’re ready for that level of fame and all that comes with it?”

It’s a strange thing to say in the middle of what’s supposed to be a celebratory moment. And it’s so unexpected, it takes a little longer than I’d like for me to summon my voice. “If you’re referring to long nights on the road and even longer lines of aggressive groupies, I can handle it. I’m secure in Auden’s love, and he’s secure in mine.”

Luther meets my words with a look I can’t read. Then he gathers the papers and shoves them back into his briefcase.

“Great to have you on board, Auden.” I watch as they shake hands. “And Xotichl . . .” He takes my hand in his and brings it to his lips, in a move so smarmy it’s all I can do not to cringe.

Tipping his head, he returns to his car as I wipe my hand against the folds of my gown.

“Hey, Luther—you forgot your pen!” Auden calls after him.

Luther pokes his head out the driver’s side window. “Keep it,” he says.

Auden glances between him and the pen. “You sure?”

Luther nods. “Least I can do, considering what you’re about to do for me. Besides, you’re part of the family now.” He guns the engine and waves, leaving us immersed in a cloud of dust and heat.

“So?” I grab hold of his arm as

he leads me back to the car. “You gonna keep it, or sell it on eBay?”

Auden laughs. “Can you imagine this thing costs more than a car?”

“According to Luther, it won’t be long before you’ll be able to afford a hundred more.”

“Just a hundred?” Auden grins, drops a kiss on the tip of my nose. “I’d like a nice house, a better car, but other than that, my needs are pretty simple. It’s a beautiful object, no doubt, but a price tag like that just seems so out of balance, don’t you think?”

He stops beside the car, swings my door open, and motions me in. Unaware that the clouds overhead are beginning to clear. Moving so quickly it’s like they’re racing toward Albuquerque. Their sudden exodus leaving Auden glowing, and luminous, and dripping in starlight. Making for a sight so irresistible, I grasp hold of his lapels and pull him to me. My lips swelling toward his, desperately seeking the assurance that we’ll allow each other to live the journey we deserve. That we’ll never let the fear of losing each other interfere with the people we are destined to be.

It’s a lot to ask from a kiss. But I guess Luther questioning my readiness to deal with Auden’s success left me more disturbed than I cared to let on.

I refuse to be a needy, jealous girlfriend.

I refuse to let Luther’s insinuations take root in my head.

“We did it, flower.” Auden draws away, brushes a palm calloused from years of guitar playing across my cheek. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”