“He lost his glow?” Cade quirks a brow, takes a deep drag on his cigarette. Then turns his head to the side to give us a better view of his perfect profile as he blows a series of smoke rings. “That’s too bad. Only thing he had going for him so far as I could see.”

“Whatever. We’re done here.” I start to push away, but he reaches toward me, binds my arm with his fist.

“Just remember this, Lita—when you and Axel go up in flames—and make no mistake, you will—don’t forget you heard it here first. It’s a warning you need to take seriously. Consider it my last gift to you.”

“And why would you give me a gift if you’re so over me, like you claim?”

“What can I say? I’m a sentimental guy.” He lifts his shoulders, discards his cigarette on the floor where it burns a hole

in the carpet. “We share a good bit of history. Had some fun times. I figure it’s the least I can do.”

“What’re you really doing here? What do you want?” Xotichl speaks for the first time since he arrived.

“Same thing you want.” The words are mumbled as he divides his attention between us and his chiming cell phone. “Something to wear to the Rabbit Hole bash. I’m assuming you received the invite?” He returns to his phone with a sardonic grin.

“Oh yeah, we got it.” Xotichl scowls. “The dead raven was a really nice touch.” She places her hand on her hips and glares, but the effect is wasted on him. “So, I get that it’s a ball, but are you really planning on wearing a dress?”

He lifts his chin, shoots her a blank look.

“In case you haven’t noticed, you’re shopping in the women’s department. Men’s is on the ground floor. Or perhaps you’re not even shopping? Perhaps you’re just doing a really bad job of stalking?”

He makes a face at his phone, then returns his focus to us. “Don’t flatter yourself, flower. I have no interest in your pedestrian activities. If you must know, I’m shopping for my date. But, as it turns out, this place isn’t nearly classy enough. A special girl deserves a special dress, no?”

“How special could she be, if she’s dating you?” Xotichl says, momentarily forgetting that I dated Cade off and on since elementary school. But I’m quick to forgive her the insult.

Cade grins. “Far more special than you could imagine.”

“Who is she?” I ask, finally finding my voice. “Anyone we know?” I fight to keep my face still, my expression neutral, though I’m unable to do anything about the way my heart palpitates in my chest.

“I reckon you do know her. After all, Enchantment’s a small town.” He gives me a thorough once-over, allowing a few beats to pass before he says, “A small town with a long memory as it turns out—or maybe that’s just me?”

His eyebrow shoots up, and I have no idea how to reply. Is he referring to the black onyx they’re using to fortify the new building? Is it truly going to hold the ghostly memories and black deeds of Richters past?

“Care to elaborate?” Xotichl says, the words carrying a surprising edge.

“Not really.” The smile he shoots her is grim. “Let’s just say this is destined to be no ordinary party.”

“The last party you threw, the club exploded and Phyre and Suriel Youngblood died, how do you plan to top that?”

“Turns out Phyre’s little pyrotechnic display was merely the pre-show. Each step leads to the next, as they say.”

His phone chimes again, claiming his attention.

“Anyway, nice catching up.” He turns on his heel, flashes the back of his hand.

“For you maybe.” Xotichl folds her arms defiantly over her chest, stiffening when he pauses, glances over his shoulder, and levels his focus on her.

“Careful there, little one. You’re venturing into territory that’s way out of your league.”

His face darkens, prompting me to take a step forward, insert myself firmly between them. Fully intending to defend her should it come to that, but the sight of me standing before him only causes him to laugh.

“Save it, Lita. Xotichl doesn’t need a bodyguard. Girl’s got her sight back. She can handle herself. Or at least that’s what she thinks. Turns out, there’s a whole lot you two don’t know, but I’ve done my good deed for the day. You’ll get no more from me.”

Xotichl fidgets with her glasses, struggles to stand her ground, though it’s clear that she’s shaken.

We both are.

The two of us unable to do anything more than remain rooted in place, long after Cade’s sauntered away.