A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born.




“Well, Cade’s never been known for his subtlety, that’s for sure.” Lita leans back against the couch cushions and scowls. “Or his originality, for that matter. A masquerade black-and-white ball? Please.”

“I thought calling it the Resurrection Ball was kind of clever,” Xotichl says. “You know, the building’s resurrecting, they’re resurrecting . . .”

“How can you be sure it’s from Cade?” Axel cuts in, his gaze moving among us. “No one’s seen him in months.”

“Well, if not Cade, then it’s definitely from one of the other Richters.” I glare at the invitation propped on the table before me, and curl my feet up under my legs. “Doesn’t matter who delivered it, Coyote was here, and he left a direct challenge to me, to Dace, to all of us. But the worst part is . . .” I focus on my fingers twisting in my lap. Struggling to find the right way to tell my friends that the house is no longer a sanctuary, no longer a safe place to hide, in a way that doesn’t leave them terrified.

“There’s a worse part?” Lita gathers her hair off her neck and fans herself with her hand. “Well, go on then, let’s hear it.”

Deciding to just state it like it is, I say, “Finding that dead raven on the stoop means the protection spell is no longer working.”

Lita’s eyes bulge. Axel squints. Auden pulls Xotichl closer, while Xotichl’s expression turn

s to dread.

“Not long after I arrived in Enchantment, Paloma assured me the property was protected. Claimed I had nothing to fear as long as I stayed within the surrounding walls. But now, after this”—I jab a thumb toward the invite—“it’s clear that no longer holds.”

“But we’ve been so good!” Lita cries. “We’ve maintained the salt border by pouring a fresh coat every day. And just last week, Axel fixed a weak spot on the coyote fence when he saw one of its supports was coming loose, causing it to sag against the adobe wall.”

Axel nods to confirm it, as Xotichl adds, “And every time I come over, which is pretty much every day, I reinforce the protection spell in the way Paloma showed me.”

“And yet, despite all our efforts, Coyote still managed to breach.” I shrug. Determined to state the facts with as little drama as possible. “It’s no longer safe for you here. What you choose to do about that is for you to decide.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Lita lets go of her hair, allowing it to spill over her shoulders in gorgeous, white-tipped waves.

“It means that things are about to get serious. Things are about to escalate. And while I’ll do my best to protect you, I think the Richters have just taken the first step toward showing me the depths of my limits.”

I return my focus to my friends. Watching as Xotichl keeps a wary gaze on the box, while seeking comfort in Auden’s nearness. What a shame that after all the time they’ve spent apart, he returns to Enchantment just in time for another round of Coyote versus Raven.

“Everyone has limits,” Xotichl says. “We just have to discover theirs.” She prods her new glasses up the delicate bridge of her nose. And when her eyes meet mine, I can’t help but grin. Despite the dire circumstance we find ourselves in, I’m grateful that her sight has returned. Gives us one positive thing to cling to in the midst of a heaping pile of awful.

I glance at Dace beside me, wondering what he’s thinking behind that clenched jaw and narrowed gaze. But he remains as he is, quiet and somber with his focus turned inward, lost in a thought I can’t even fathom.

“Okay, so here’s what we know for sure.” Lita moves from the couch to the fan, seeking relief from the unbearable heat. “The Richters are back in business, both literally and figuratively. Question is, what are we going to do about it?”

“We’re going to rise to the challenge.” I look upon my small group of friends, my voice as determined as my gaze.

“Meaning?” Axel looks at me; he’s the only one in the room who isn’t wilting in the heat, and I can’t help but feel envious.

“It’s like Xotichl said, everyone has limits, no one’s invincible. Heck, even Superman had kryptonite. We just have to discover the Richters’ weakness.”

They all look at me. Well, everyone but Dace who continues to dwell in a faraway place.

“We need to be on high alert. We can’t afford to slack off or get lazy. If nothing else, this invite is a clear warning that the honeymoon is officially over. It’s a direct challenge if I’ve ever seen one.”

“And, so what do we do about it? Other than being on high alert, and all?”

“You can start by not blocking the fan.” Auden motions impatiently. “C’mon, Lita, share the breeze. Flower and I are dying over here.”