And when he leads me to his newly restored Mustang, I can’t help but gasp. “Wow. Lita and Xotichl told me about it, but it’s a whole other thing to see it in person. It looks amazing!”

“A gift from Leandro,” Dace says, helping me into my seat before sliding behind the wheel. “I should probably get rid of it. You know, bad energy and all . . .”

I shrug. “I think you should keep it. And not just because it’s gorgeous, which it is, but because if we set our sights on trying to erase every trace of Leandro, and Coyote in general, well, then we won’t have time for anything else. For better or worse, they founded this town. Now it’s our job to make something of it so it truly lives up to its name.”

The engine roars to life with a single turn of the key, as opposed to the three to four turns it required before, and I settle into the ride and stare out the passenger window. Taking in deeply rutted dirt roads, the scraggly line of rundown adobes, the majestic Sangre de Christo mountain range rising beyond. Musing at how it all looks a little better, a little sunnier, or maybe that’s just the way it looks to me, knowing what I now know.

“It’s funny.” I swivel toward Dace. “I guess I never really noticed until now, but the horizon in Enchantment appears just as inaccessible as it does in the Upper-and Lowerworlds.”

Dace looks at me, places a hand on my knee, and gives it a squeeze. “That’s the thing about the horizon. Every step leads you toward it, but you can never quite reach it. But maybe that’s a good thing? Maybe it’s nature’s way of reminding us to never give up—to always keep striving.”





I wake to the sound of banging in the kitchen and the scent of something burning se

eping under the door.

All the signs indicating it’s Sunday.

Lita is at it again.

“Is that what I think?” Dace rolls toward me, grabs me at the waist, and pulls me tightly to his chest as he nestles his chin at the nape of my neck. His body so warm and inviting, I’m just rolling over to face him, when the banging stops, the oven door slams, and a long string of curses begins.

I try to stifle my laughter, but it’s no use. My giggling is so contagious it’s not long before Dace joins in and we’re forced to laugh into the pillows until we quiet down.

“She’s determined to perfect those muffins,” Dace says. “And I don’t know about you, but my stomach can’t survive another go of pretending to enjoy them. I’m pretty sure muffins aren’t supposed to be charred on the outside and soggy in the middle.”

“Tell it to Axel. He claims to love them. Says they’re the best he’s ever had.”

“And just how many muffins do you think Axel had up there in the Upperworld? While I didn’t really get the chance to explore, I seem to remember there being a distinct lack of bakeries in those parts.”

“You make a good point.” I strive for a sober expression and the tone to match, but the sounds of Lita cussing out the muffin pan is impossible to ignore and it’s all I can do to not burst out laughing again.

“Besides, what Axel loves is Lita, not muffins. And that’s just one of the side-effects of love.” Dace’s lips find mine.

“So, what you’re saying is that love makes you delusional?” I kiss him back. A real kiss. Not one of those playful nips meant to tease.

He grins, moving my lips along with his. “In Axel’s case, definitely.” His finger slips down the length of my neck and onto my chest where it settles at the small golden key. “What do you say we get out of town and go out to breakfast?” He pinches the metal between his finger and thumb. “My treat.”

With the way his body moves against mine, I was positive he was about to instigate another kind of treat. But, now that he’s mentioned it, I realize I really am famished. “Well, if it’s your treat . . . how can I resist?”

“Went over the numbers last night. Looks like the Rabbit Hole’s making a pretty nice profit. Funny how people are even freer with their time and money when you pay them a fair wage and allow them to live their own brand of happy.” He shoots me a sardonic smile, runs a hand along the dip of my waist, the curve of my hip.

“Who would’ve thought?” I kiss him on the cheek, untangle myself from the sheets, and slip out of bed. Pulling on some jeans and a sweater as Dace does the same, I reach for the soft buckskin pouch I left on the nightstand and loop it around my neck, as I study the framed picture of Jennika and Harlan’s Malibu wedding I’ve placed beside the photos of Django, Paloma, and Chay.

“I thought Lita would never leave L.A.” Dace moves to my side.

“I thought she’d wear that bridesmaid dress every day.” I smile at the memory. What a fun day that was, and I’m thankful we were all able to make the trip together.

“What do you say we make this a group thing?” Dace slips an arm around my waist, hugs me tightly to him. “It’s been a while since we all got together.”

“Not counting last Friday, at school?” I lift my gaze to meet his—still gorgeous, still icy-blue banded by flecks of bronze, still reflecting my image thousands of times. Funny how I still find myself checking even though the dark days are well behind us. I never have to worry about the beast resurfacing again.