Though it doesn’t quite work on Lita.

“So, let him go back already. I mean, I don’t even know why you both bothered to come here. Clearly, that’s what he wants, so why rub my nose in it?” Lita turns her back on both of them and folds her arms across her chest. Her angry stance serving as a thin disguise for her undeniable state of absolute heartbrokenness.

“I’m afraid it’s too late for Axel to return,” Zahra tells her, but Lita refuses to budge. “From the moment you made your wish on the eagle feather, the deal was sealed.”

“What?” Lita drops the pretense, whirls on both of them. Her head jerking back and forth between Zahra and Axel. “What are you talking about? What does she mean?” She turns to me as though I might have the slightest idea of what’s truly going on, but I just shrug in response. I’m as clueless as she is.

“Until the portals were opened, Axel was unable to return to the Upperworld. So, the moment he saw an opening, he seized upon it.”

“You don’t have to explain it to me. It’s not like I didn’t witness it firsthand.”

“Well, you say, that, but, as it turns out, there’s a little more to it. At first we all thought he was there to help. With the portals wide open, granting the Richters access, it took us a while to gather our wits and forge a proper response. Though, it wasn’t long before we were able to contain them to this very space, which, to his credit, Axel helped to accomplish. But once things were more or less under control, he confided that his only reason for returning to the Upperworld was to request permission to be permanently released from his duties, his status, so he could permanently live here with you.”

Lita presses a hand to her chest, centers her gaze on the toe of her severely scuffed boot.

“To be honest, I thought he was being incredibly foolish, as did most everyone else. I couldn’t imagine why he would choose a life in the Middleworld with all of its inherent pain and difficulties when he could enjoy a much easier existence with us.”

“And what did you say?” Lita lifts her gaze to meet Axel’s, her expression guarded, though the surge of hope in her voice gives her away.

“I told her that a life that included you was well worth any difficult or painful moment that might come my way.”

Lita swallows hard, blinks several times to hold back the tears, but it’s no use.

“And I told him he was being utterly foolish,” Zahra says, and from the look on her face, her opinion hasn’t changed. “So, we came to a compromise and decided to hold him until you used that feather to wish for his return. We had to ensure you felt the same way about him as he does about you.”

Lita remains where she is, her bottom lip trembling, cheeks misted with tears.

“He’s given up his gifts, his magick, to be human. To be with you.” Zahra watches impassively, as Lita, unable to keep her emotions in check, rushes into Axel’s outstretched arms. Not the least bit swayed by their reunion, she shakes her head and says, “This is all fine and good now. But what you all conveniently forget is that she’s only sixteen. She

has no idea what she’ll want in a year, never mind for the rest of her life.”

“Seventeen,” Lita says, burying her face in Axel’s neck. “I had a birthday. I’m sorry you missed it.”

“The fact is, you’re young. Impressionable. With a teenager’s romantic notion of love. There’s a very good chance you won’t always feel this way once the reality of a long life together sets in.”

“Zahra—” Axel reluctantly removes himself from Lita’s embrace. “I think we’ve already seen firsthand that none of us can predict the future. Even when the future has been predicted for us, it’s subject to change. So while I thank you for granting me this wish, it’s time for you to let me enjoy the beginning of my new life with my girl.”

He slips an arm around Lita’s shoulders and leads her away, and that’s when I notice the most remarkable change I’ve failed to notice until now.

I mean, sure Axel’s eyes have transitioned from a soft, unearthly shade of lavender to a deeper, more human shade of violet. And yes, his complexion is a lot less pale and translucent now that real human blood flows through his veins. But whereas before his movements used to cast only light, now I watch as the two of them walk together, casting individual shadows.

Zahra turns to me then, her disapproval beginning to fade. “I’m not here to claim you, if that’s what you think.”

“You couldn’t if you tried.” I fold my arms across my chest, but more out of fatigue than anything else. She may be a cynic, she may be one of the least romantic persons I’ve ever met, but the truth is, I can’t help but like her. Mostly because she reminds me of the way I used to be before I came to Enchantment. Before I realized the value in things like friends, family, and love.

“Turns out, I’m glad you fled.” She regards me with an amused gleam in her eye. “In retrospect, I can’t imagine what might’ve become of us if you hadn’t escaped.”

“But would any of this have happened without my participation?” It’s a question I’ve avoided asking myself.

“Maybe, maybe not. Though I’m inclined to think it would’ve happened even sooner. Which is why I spent the entire journey trying to come up with a proper way to thank you.”

“Thank me?” My voice lifts with surprise. That’s pretty much the last thing I was expecting.

“Gratitude is the Upperworld currency, you know.”

“What exactly are you?” I say. “My guide or my fairy godmother?”

“Today, I guess I’m a little of both.” She lifts her shoulders and grins in a way that curls her lips, widens her cheeks, and makes her eyes gleam a glorious silvery/pink.