I’ve already rolled to the side.

Already retrieved the blowgun.

Already taken aim at the center of his forehead.

Already gathered my breath and taken my shot.

His snout veering so close, the last thing I feel is his hot, fetid breath hitting my cheek, before his eyes roll back in his head and he falls limply at my feet. A si

ngle poisonous dart jutting from his head—a steady stream of blood pumping from the wound.

My gown smoldering, I leap to my feet, and race toward Cade, only to find he bears the same injury as Coyote.

I press my hand to his forehead. Try to stop the blood from gushing. Telling myself head wounds always bleed more. That it’s not nearly as bad as it seems. Though it fails to console.

Finally, after all this time, I’ve managed to kill him.

Funny how it doesn’t feel anything like I imagined it would.

I brush a hand across his forehead, try to think of something comforting to say to ease his transition, when I realize he’s singing.

Thinking it’s the same song he hummed when I spied on him via the cockroach, I lower my ear to his lips and realize I’ve got it all wrong.

Cade is using the last of his strength to remind me of the prophecy.

When air sears and water fades

When tempest winds ravage fire-scorched plains

When Shadow eclipses Sun–the Seer shall fall

Causing three worlds to descend into darkness eternal

“You can’t stop it, Seeker.” His voice is a rasp. His lips curl at the sides as though he takes great pleasure in reminding me of my fate. “The prophecy is in motion. You are destined to fall. Leandro was wrong. I didn’t fail. I never once failed him . . .”

His eyes close.

His breath ceases.

And when the flames die, and the sky dims all around me, I realize he’s right.

The prophecy is here.

But it’s not because of him.

It’s because I snuffed the Sun and left the Shadow to rule.



Chepi screams, grabs hold of his arm, but the beast shakes her off, kicks Leandro’s body aside, and makes for the ledge.

Each step causing the sun to shrink.

The sky to darken.

So by the time he’s clinched the leap and is standing before me, the three worlds are black.