And with the portals swinging wide open and Coyote left completely unchecked, I’ll have to claim this particular kill for my own. But at least Daire can watch.

I drag Gabe’s face closer to mine, peer into his bloodshot eyes, and loosen my grip just enough for him to remain conscious. Be a shame for him to miss out on last rites.

“You shouldn’t be surprised to find yourself here. Surely it’s no secret just how much I’ve always despised you. You’re an embarrassment, a misogynist, a thug, annoying as hell, and just so you know, your jokes aren’t funny. Turns out, that’s a bad combination, Gabe. That kind of behavior is no longer tolerated in these parts.”

“Are you freaking crazy?” Gabe’s eyes bulge in an effort to choke out the words. Guess it’s hard to properly enunciate when your neck is locked in a vise-tight grip.

“Nope, not crazy.” I tighten my hold. “You’re the one who’s crazy for thinking, even for a second, that we’re on the same side. I don’t belong to Coyote. I don’t belong to anyone. As you’re about to discover, I’m something far worse than your small mind can conjure.”

The second he digests my words, the bravado that once seemed permanently tattooed on his face is replaced by terror. Seems I’ve finally gotten through.

“Any last words?” The question is asked merely as a formality. Inside, the beast thrums with anticipation and he won’t be denied for much longer.

Gabe’s jaw falls slack, his tongue flops around a good bit, but all that comes out is a sick, muffled gurgle I don’t have the patience to even try to decipher.

The beast hungers.

Demands to be fed.

And I am but a humble servant, his to command.

Sorry, Daire. While I wanted you to have the pleasure of slaying Gabe, the sooner this happens, the better for everyone.

“You know, I have no idea what you’re trying to say. And, the truth is, I’m not at all interested. Guess this is goodbye, then.” I clench my fingers, watching his eyes fill with dread as his body gives one last amusing attempt to claw at my hands, kick at my knees. A mildly entertaining death dance that ends with a single flick of my wrist.

His neck snaps.

His head falls limply to his side.

And it feels so damn good I do it again.

Dedicating this kill to Daire, I twist Gabe’s head all the way around until it’s facing the opposite way.

Inside, my heart swells with accomplishment—a voice shouts in victory.

We can do this.

I can help her.

An essential part of me still exists!

I warned her away—just in case I was wrong—but now that I’m still in control—I’ll never have to suffer another day without her.

I can see it as clearly as I can see her standing before me. Daire, me, and the beast—working together to rid the world of Richters!

It’s the last thing I think before the beast fully awakens and I’m completely overtaken.

The last thing I speak is her name cried out in agony.

I’ve lost.

He’s won.

Whatever remained of me is now gone.

Stretching and expanding in size until he’s consumed every last shred of the person I once knew as me, he kicks Gabe’s broken body aside, and centers his sights on the dark-haired girl in the red silk dress standing just a few feet away.