“Can I ask what this is about? And why the urgency?”

I relax into my seat, knowing I won. “I saw Marliz use her tourmaline ring to gain access to the Rabbit Hole. I also discovered that they’re enhancing the building with black onyx—making it stronger, more resilient, and ensuring the energy of their ancestry stays contained in those walls. They’re not building the same old Rabbit Hole—they’ve got a massive mystical makeover planned. The place is enchanted—barricaded and bound by magick. From what I saw, possession of one of their blue tourmalines is the only way in and I need to get in there before the party begins so I can locate the vortex. With a remodel that extensive, it won’t be easy to find.”

“I’ll get you another tourmaline, then. One that hasn’t been cursed.”

“I don’t think just any stone will work. It has to come from them.”

“But if the stone is connected to them, they’ll know you’re in there.”

I lift my shoulders, tuck a lock of hair behind my ear. “That’s a chance I’m willing to take.”

He holds my look for a moment, then heaves a sigh of surrender and pushes away from the table.

“Also, I just received a text from Lita. She ran into Cade. Dace was with him.”

Chay returns to his seat, regards me with a sober gaze. “So it’s started.” His face is tired, voice resigned.

“Doubtful. Dace would never join forces with the Richters. If he was there, it was for a good reason.”

“Daire, if Dace is being led by the beast, then the choices he makes are no longer his.”

“Guess that remains to be seen.”

Another impasse. Chay sighs and says, “The stone is buried deep at the base of one of our mountains. It’ll take most of the night to reach it.”

Our eyes meet.

“But I’ll do it. I’ll bring Leftfoot and Cree for company.”

“Thanks.” I slide free of the booth, turning in time to catch him looking at me in a way I can’t fathom.

“Paloma would be proud.”


“While I may not agree with your choices, there’s no doubt you’ve just taken your first real step toward trusting your instincts. There’s an old saying—when you conquer your fears, you conquer your life. Let’s hope it holds true in your case.”

I smile, feeling inordinately proud.

“There’s another old saying that anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” He slides an arm around my shoulders and leads me to the door. “And with that in mind, I’ll give you that stone on one condition.” He swings the door wide and ushers me into the night. “You clear your heart of hate for the Richters, especially Cade.”

I stop beside his truck, sure he must be joking. But one look at his face tells me he’s anything but. “I’m not sure that’s even possible.”

“Then you better find a way to make it possible because you’re playing right into their hands. The hate you harbor toward them is ripping a hole in your heart which will serve as a portal. Allowing them access to control you in ways far more effective than any stone could. Hate has an insidious way of taking over—but only if we let it. So don’t you dare let it.”



Although I didn’t think it was possible, Axel looks more distraught than Lita and Xotichl when he learns of Dace’s meeting with Cade.

He paces the length of the room, makes a series of U-turns. “I’ve been guiding him since the day he was born. There was never any indication it would

come to this. No warning, nothing. Still, despite his telling us, I guess I still clung to the secret hope that it wasn’t that bad, that he’d be spared somehow. And yet, the evidence speaks for itself.”

“How does that work exactly?” Xotichl curls her feet under her legs. “How does one get assigned to a guide?”

“Yeah, and do you know mine?” Lita’s eyes light up. “I mean, now that you’re open to talking about it—I mean, you are open, right? Since you’re the one who brought it up.”