Lita slinks back to Axel’s side, as I say, “For starters, we’re going to the masquerade.” I lift my glass of iced ginger tea and press it to my forehead and cheeks, transferring the sweat from the glass to mix with the sweat on my skin.

“That’s it? We just fix our hair, change our clothes, slap on a mask, and head out—or do we have some kind of plan?” Lita’s voice is less sarcastic than her words might imply.

“I don’t have a plan. Or, at least not yet.” I sink deeper into the cushions, ashamed to admit I’m as clueless as they are. Still, lying won’t do any good.

“Okay, so let’s put our heads together and come up with a plan,” Lita says. “You don’t have to go this alone, you know. We may not be Seekers, but I’m sure we can help.” She echoes her earlier lecture. “For starters, who’s the entertainment? Auden, are you playing the event?”

Auden looks up from his cell. His face shading with embarrassment at being caught texting again. “Sorry,” he says. “Just trying to arrange a meeting with Luther to sign some contracts.”

“Well, while you have him, ask if he can try to squeeze you into the lineup,” Lita says.

Auden looks uncertain. “I think Epitaph’s scheduled to play.”

“So, make it a reunion, then.” Lita makes an impatient face.

“They were pretty pissed when I left. I doubt they’ll want to see me . . .” Auden flips the phone in his hand.

“Don’t be so sure.” Xotichl sneaks closer, whispers into his ear. And, unable to resist her, it’s only a second later when Auden starts thumb-typing again.

A few moments later, he says, “Well, Luther’s not happy, but he said he’ll do what he can.”

“Good.” Lita nods. “So hopefully we’ll have someone to cover the stage. Dace—what about getting your old job back? Any chance of that?”

I turn to Dace, wondering what’s going on with him. He got here much later than anticipated, and he’s barely said a word ever since.

“Leandro offered.” He shrugs, rubs a hand over his chin. “But that was before Phyre blew up the place. For all I know, he blames me.”

“Doubtful. Didn’t you pull Cade to safety? I’m sure Leandro’s aware of that.”

“We didn’t do it to save Cade.” I’m quick to defend our actions, even though there’s no need. My friends are well aware of the mystical connection that binds the twins’ lives.

“The reason doesn’t matter. Fact is, Cade’s alive because of you.”

“Yeah, and he left a dead raven as a thank you.” I shake my head.

“Kind of like when a cat leaves a dead mouse as a gift for its owner,” Xotichl says, prompting us to laugh, though the moment’s short-lived.

“Still, might be worth a try,” Auden says. “Maybe you can head over. Grovel a bit. Appeal to his ego. It would be good to have someone on the inside.”

I study Dace’s expression, but he keeps it so carefully guarded it’s impossible to read.

“What the hell.” Dace’s gaze briefly meets mine. “The gas station’s no longer an option. Not after today.” I lean closer, willing him to elaborate, but he just breezes right past it. “And there’s no doubt I could use the money. Maybe he’ll even give me an advance so I can cover my rent. That is, if I grovel enough.” He exchanges a quick look with Auden. “So yeah. Fine. Worth a try, right?”

“Okay,” Xotichl says. “So now that we’ve got two possible insiders, what about the rest of us? Do we pose as normal, clueless partygoers? Or do we go in with an agenda? Or both?”

“Too bad Axel’s not still invisible,” Auden says. “That might’ve helped.”

“Doubtful,” I say. “For some inexplicable reason, Cade was able to see Axel that night just after he stabbed me and Axel appeared to take me to the Upperworld.”

“That was a glitch I still can’t explain.” Axel looks truly perplexed. “I used to be quite adept at light-bending.” Fielding Auden’s blank look, he explains, “I could will myself to be unseen even by those meant to see me. I was one of the few who could do such a thing. Though it was highly frowned upon.”

“Rebel.” Lita grins, nudges his side. Causing Axel to beam.

“Anyway,” I say, hoping to get this conversation back on track. “While we may not have the details just yet, I think we need to be ready for anything since clearly they’re up to something more than just a reopening.” I go on to tell them about seeing Marliz vanish inside and the pile of glimmering dust she left in her wake.

“Glimmering dust?” Axel looks at me, brows drawn tightly together.

I nod toward the hat I left on the counter. So much has happened, I forgot all about it until now. Within a matter of seconds Axel has glided seamlessly from the couch to the kitchen then back to Lita’s side where he peers into the cap, dips a single finger inside, then looks at me and says, “Onyx. Black onyx to be exact.”