“But I thought you said the Upperworld was inhabited by benevolent beings who once walked among us and now choose to guide us?”

“It is. As you probably saw for yourself. But there are also those who’ve never taken corporeal form.”

I frown. Needing a moment to process. “But how can you be sure of that when you couldn’t actually see him?”

“I don’t need to see him to read his energy—his intent. Tell me, what color are his eyes?” she asks. “Are they unearthly?”

I rub my lips together, grudgingly admitting, “They’re lavender. The color of my mood.” A grin sneaks onto my lips.

“Otherworldly irises. I figured as much. Listen, nieta,” she says. “Axel’s choices belong to him and him alone. It’s the decisions we make at the crossroads of life that define us. Axel just experienced his own defining moment.”

“So his true character is that of a rebel angel?”

Paloma grins, but it’s faint, and rather short lived.

“Oh, and to top it all off, I think he has a thing for Lita.” I don’t even try to contain the groan that escapes my lips. “And from what I can tell, it’s strongly reciprocated.”

Paloma looks at me with a face more alarmed than amused, her features pinched with concern. “Then I shall hope they both come to their senses, and soon. That will never end well.”

The words leave me sobered, wondering if I should try to warn Lita, or at least find a way to distract her from him.

“Oh, and speaking of Lita—I almost forgot…” I snake my finger into my pocket, retrieving the tourmaline and handing it to Paloma. “Cade gave it to her. But while Lita doesn’t want it, Xotichl says its energy is off, and thought you might want to see it. I can’t get anything from it, but we figured maybe you could. There’s a lot

of tourmalines floating around over there,” I say, going on to tell her about Marliz’s engagement ring.

Paloma folds her fingers around it, testing its heft, its weight. “Maybe they just want to get rid of the inventory,” she says, though her expression reveals a deeper concern. “And yet, I think we both know the Richters never give freely. There’s always an ulterior motive where they’re concerned.” She drops the gem into her pocket, and ushers me down the hall. “I’ll look into it. But for now, get some rest, nieta.” She brushes the back of her fingers over my cheek, tucking a rogue lock of hair behind my ear. “I won’t let you sleep long, I promise. I know you’re anxious to get to work. But a few hours of rest will do you some good. Chay and I can handle things until then.”

I step obediently into my room and pause on the door’s other side with my ear pressed hard against the wood. The soft shuffle of Paloma’s feet moving down the hall and into the den where her voice mingles with Chay’s is all the cue I need to rush toward my window, slide it open, and slip outside into a frigid, cold night.

My shoes slam hard on the gravel, resulting in a loud crunching sound. But after a few moments pass and no one comes to check, I race across the courtyard, sneak around back, and cross the garden, all the way to Kachina’s stall.

Judging by the way she whinnies in greeting, lowering her head to nuzzle against me, I figure she must’ve missed me as much as I missed her.

Which is pretty much the opposite of Cat who arches his back, gives me a good solid hiss, and instantly flees.

“Guess Cat’s still Cat.” I run my hand down Kachina’s neck and over the perfect stripes of her brown-and-white mane. “What do you say we follow his lead and get out of here too? A little late-night ride might do us some good.”

Whether or not she understood, I can’t say for sure. But when she sees me retrieve her bridal and bit, she definitely perks up with excitement.

Not wanting to waste time with the blanket and saddle, I hop onto her bare back and nudge her out of the stall. Making my way to the reservation where I find Dace waiting for me by the grove of twisted juniper trees.

“I wasn’t sure if you’d make it,” I say, unable to suppress a grin at the sight of his long, glossy, dark hair spilling over his shoulders, the narrow V of his torso, the perfect fit of his jeans. I force my gaze away. Scold myself to focus. Concentrate. He may look as strong and sexy as ever on the outside, but without the soul, he’s just not the same. “Where’s Axel?” I squint into the darkness, search for some sign of him.

“Trying to make his way back.” Dace offers his hand, helps me slide from Kachina’s back. His face creased in distress when he sees the way she now veers away from him when she’s never done that before. “Animals know,” he says, voice saddened, eyes fathomless.

“She’ll adjust,” I say with more confidence than I currently feel. “I’ll talk to her.”

But Dace stops me before I can start. Taking my hands from her reins, he watches her wander a few feet away. “Allow her to honor her instincts. I don’t plan to be like this for much longer. I’m sure she’ll come around once I’m back to my old self.”

I stand silently before him, feeling suddenly shy and uncertain. Though it’s not long before my shyness is overcome by the sheer, irresistible pull of him.

I whisper his name, pressing so close I can feel his breath on my cheek. Remembering the kiss we shared in Paloma’s office, I long to repeat it. Long to be with him again. But for now, I’ll settle for enjoying his nearness.

This isn’t the real Dace.

He’s soulless.
