Nick whistled when he stopped next to Zane. “Damn. Hate to say it Zane, but Deacon won this round.”

Zane gave that a hearty laugh.

“That’s not very nice,” Kelly muttered. “Zane could pull off that dress.”

“Not really my color.”

Nick and Kelly both chuckled.

Deuce gave Ty a long, tight hug, squeezing him until he started to struggle for freedom. When Deuce finally released Ty, he offered his hand to Zane. “Agent Garrett,” he said, mockingly formal.

Zane rolled his eyes as he propped Amelia on one hip. “Dr. Grady,” he drawled, shaking his hand heartily.

Deuce turned to Nick, shaking his hand as well and smirking. “Snakebite, been a while. Good to see you back on your feet.”

Nick sighed heavily. “Never going to live it down, am I?”

Deuce practically giggled.

“Snakebite?” Kelly asked.

Nick shook his head, but Zane cackled when he realized what Deuce was talking about. “Oh my God, you’re the one who went hiking and got bit by the snake?”

Nick turned a glare on him.

“Dad told you not to poke it,” Deuce said.

“I had to poke it, it was in my sleeping bag!”

Kelly chuckled. “When was this?”

“When we were young and stupid,” Nick told him.

“Some of us more so than others,” Deuce added. He turned to Kelly, offering his hand. “I recognize you.”

“Kelly Abbott, I was the Navy doc for Sidewinder.”

“I’m sure we’ve met before, but it’s nice to meet you again.”


“Thank you both for coming on such short notice. I know you’re probably wanting some answers about why Ty asked you to come. I figured we’d let you rest a little and then sit down and talk tonight, if that’s okay.”

“Sounds good,” Nick said. Zane was a little more ready to demand answers faster, but Nick and Kelly were both the epitome of hassle-free.

Ty was gallantly helping Livi out of the golf cart, and he offered her his arm as they rejoined Zane and the others. She introduced herself to Nick and Kelly, thanking them for coming just as Deacon had. She seemed sedate for a bride-to-be. She gave Zane a hug and kissed him on the cheek, and then Ty put an arm around her and kept it there as Zane introduced Amelia to the others.

“Can you say hello?” he asked.

“Hello,” Amelia echoed.

Zane lifted her a little higher, holding out his fist to show her. “Can you give Nick a fist bump?”

Nick gave Ty a wary sideways glance, but he held his fist up to the little girl. Her eyes were shining when she punched her fist to his, but it didn’t end there. She pulled her hand back and spread her fingers, making an exploding sound as she did so, and then she came back for a second bump.

Nick and Kelly laughed raucously as Zane hugged her tight. “That’s my girl!”

“How in the hell did you become the favorite?” Ty grumbled. He looked genuinely upset, and Zane gave him an apologetic smile. He’d actually spent more time with Ty’s niece than Ty had because of the deployment, and he’d overcome his awkwardness with children to become quite comfortable with her. He carried her over to the golf cart, leaving Ty to gather the rest of Zane’s bags for him.

Ty and Nick piled the bags onto the cage on top of the cart. Nick and Kelly took the rear seat, facing backward, and Zane set Amelia between himself and Ty as Deacon guided them toward the main house.

“Pretty swank, Deuce,” Ty said, leaning forward so he wouldn’t have to yell.

“Oh my God, wait until you see the house,” Deuce said, laughing.

“My granddaddy had a flair for the dramatic,” Livi told them. “I mean, the place was pretty dramatic to start with from what I understand, but he completely gutted and redid it when he inherited it.

“How long’s the island been in your family?” Zane asked.

“A little over a century. When the steel boom started and the robber baron era came along, my great-great-grandfather bought the island and built the mansion as a way to escape public outcry when his dealings went shady.”

Zane raised both eyebrows, impressed with her candid handling of her family’s not-so-stellar history. “Wow.”

“I’m going to die in Scotland,” Nick said under his breath. “In a kilt.”

Zane coughed to cover his laugh.

“The castle ruins on the lee side of the island are from the sixteenth century. But the main house was built in the late 1800s,” Livi continued. “The island was produced by an extinct volcano, so it’s riddled with caves, lava tubes, and cliffs. The house is built near the highest cliff, actually. You guys should have plenty of territory to explore.”

Nick turned around, putting his arm over Ty’s shoulder and leaning closer to hear. “Did she say lava?”

Ty shook his head. “You’re not going to die in Scotland.”

Livi smiled sympathetically at him. “Deacon tells me you and Kelly are both members of Ty’s Recon team.”

“Yes ma’am,” Nick answered.

“Sidewinder, right?”

Nick and Kelly both nodded.

“So do all of you make a habit of being bitten by snakes, or was that like a personal journey of discovery for you?”

Deuce and Ty burst out laughing, and Livi covered her mouth like she was embarrassed for making fun. Amelia giggled, even though she didn’t know why. Zane glanced sideways to see Nick pursing his lips and nodding like he was trying to hide a smile.

“Everyone’s a comedian,” he finally muttered, turning back around and shaking his head.

“I still love you, babe,” Kelly said to him, patting him on the knee.

“Shut up.”

Livi finally got control of her laughter and continued talking. “I have to apologize, when Ty told us you were bringing a date, we just assumed . . . the room you have has one queen-sized bed.”

“That’s fine,” Nick said. “We’ve shared before.”

“You’re sure? We could probably do some creative switching, maybe find you two twins.”

“No, we’re good,” Kelly insisted. “Thank you, though. He brought me for a free week in Scotland. Least I can do is put out.”

“You damn right you will,” Nick said. They both laughed.

It took another few minutes to reach the house, and even Zane’s eyes widened at the sight of the place. It was a Gothic revival mansion, with spires and gables and ancient windowpanes that sparkled in the weak sunlight, all of it made of aged stone and dark brick.