I lean back in the chair and glance around the room, thinking of a way out. Maybe I can try and find something out about the man who’s taken me. To be honest I don’t even know if he’s human or vampire and what it is that he wants me to find out.

This is about way more than I can understand, but I’m going to figure it out. His office is the worst place for me to be left alone.



“If you don’t let us out of here, Bishop, we’re going to have to hurt you,” I say, and I feel the strength of Erik beside me.

He’s as on edge as I am, the need for Dove growing by the second.

“In case you haven’t fucking noticed, it’s still light outside. You can’t just run out in the street.”

“Sure they can,” Kane says as he leans against the nearby wall. “Let them go.”

“That’s enough,” Bishop shouts, and something inside of me falters.

He’s always been more than just our creator, he’s been like a father to us. The last one hundred years, there has only been our small family, but in a matter of months everything he knows has changed. I can’t imagine this is easy for him, especially since he’s nearing the end of his life. No one wants to say it aloud, but he’s running out of time.

“Bishop—” Erik begins, but he cuts him off.

“I’ve spent half my life trying to protect you,” he says then looks around the room pointedly. “All of you. If you go out there now and risk your lives, all you’re doing is throwing away all that I’ve worked to build.”

“She’s our mate!” I shout, unable to control my own emotions. I’m done being reasoned with. I don’t care if he is our maker, he’s going to listen to me. “You didn’t stand in the way of Kane going after Juliet and you’re not going to keep us from Dove.”

“Are you certain?” he asks, weighing my words. “Are you sure she’s the one, for the both of you?”

“Yes,” Erik answers for the both of us as he steps forward. “We drank her blood last night, and there is no doubt. She needs us and we can’t stay here waiting on the sun to set.”

“There’s not much time,” I hear Ravana’s voice from behind us as she and her mate Valen walk into the room. “Valen just got a call. He said one of his informants said she’s been taken.”

“What?” I wheel around and look at the two of them. “Where is she?”

“They think she’s been taken to the River.” Valen offers, and I hear Juliet sniff.

“Where?” Juliet says, wiping a tear away. Kane has been holding her close since she found out Dove was gone. “There’s no river around here.”

“She means Gordon River,” Bishop says as his eyes darken. “But why would he take her?”

“There’s no time for that. We just need to get her away from him and make sure she’s safe,” I say as I push past everyone and head for the tunnels. If we can’t go out the front door we’ll drive until it’s dark enough.

“Kane, stay here with Juliet and Ravana,” Bishop calls, and I can hear Ravana yelling in the background.

I don’t stop to see who is with me, but I feel Erik stuck to my side like glue. We’re in this together and we will find a way.

“You drive, I’ll get in the back with Erik. If anyone needs to get out before the sun sets, it’s going to be me,” Valen says as he runs with us down the stairs. “Shit,” he curses when Ravana joins us.

“Can’t let you guys have all the fun without me.”

Erik and I get in the front while Ravana, Valen, and Bishop get in the back. The mates are arguing over Bishop’s head, but as soon as he tells them to be silent they follow his command.

“I never knew having a mate could be so much fun,” Bishop says as he rolls his eyes.

“Who is Gordon River?” I say, glancing back in the mirror to Bishop as I drive out of the tunnels.

“He was created not long after I was. Up until today I thought he was living in a remote part of Russia away from people. His creator was known as one of the most vicious of our kind and made vampires without regard to our secrets. It didn’t take long for it to catch up with him, and once he was killed by enemies looking to keep our secret silent, Gordon rose to power and took over his territories.” He lets out a sharp breath and shakes his head. “I met him when I was traveling and saw in him something that I never wanted for myself. I run the city here because I want to keep our kind safe. I want our family protected, but Gordon just wants…” Bishop trails off and shrugs.