Ever so slowly I reluctantly pull myself from the bed needing to use the bathroom. I find my clothes on the floor and take them with me. I’m not used to wandering around without clothes on, and once I get in the bathroom I glance back at Erik and Ezra. They’re both only partly covered with the blankets at their waist. I wish I would have gotten more time to touch them and to taste every inch of them as they did to me.

I close the door then take care of my needs in the bathroom. While I’m washing my hands I look down at my thighs and see the small marks they left behind. As I suspected, they bit me. I felt it happen when the first orgasm hit, but all of it was pleasure that ran together. They look like scars that have been there my whole life.

When I look up in the mirror and I stare at my eyes in the reflection I can’t help but think what would have happened if I hadn’t passed out. What else would I have let them do to me?

I tug on my pants then pull on my hoodie. What now? What will today bring? I know their secrets and I have a feeling that Bishop makes all the rules around here. None of them even know me—why would they protect me? In fact, they should have called the cops on me to begin with for climbing over their wall and trespassing.

Can vampires control your mind? Can they make me forget everything? Maybe their plan all along was to have a day of fun with me then say goodbye afterwards. Would I be better off not knowing what I’d lost? I’m not sure there’s an answer to that.

Again my mind starts to spin with questions. I rub the palms of my hands over my eyes in an effort to relieve some tension. I should be used to my mind not shutting down, but it’s all too much. Suddenly I remember the book of newspaper cuttings in my car and the things that mysterious man said. More than anything, I want to prove him wrong.

I need more information before I can let anything happen. Maybe I can control this and get myself some answers. Then when I know the truth, I can come back to them. There are a lot of things I still need to know. The mystery of everything is driving me insane, but maybe I’m already there.

I walk over to the bathroom window, pulling back the thick curtain to see it’s bright and sunny out. I could sneak out and go get the book then bring it back and read it. I could show the twins and put everything on the table. The facts of what I saw could be wrong, but more importantly I can’t believe they’d ever hurt anyone. If I remember one thing out of all that happened last night they said I was their mate. What that means I’m not sure, but it felt right when they said it. Even when it scared me that I might pull them apart.

Slipping out of the bathroom, I still when Ezra rolls over and reaches out. His hand moves for a moment before it grabs a pillow and he pulls it to him. I swear he was looking for me and my heart flutters with that thought. I open the bedroom door silently and make my way down the stairs. When I exit the house I decide to go down the driveway instead of the woods, but stop when I get to the gate.

“Well hell.” I wasn’t great at climbing the wall and I don’t think I’ll be good at climbing this thing either.

To my surprise they swing open and I stand there shocked thinking maybe there is a motion detector on them. I take a step forward and a plain black SUV comes to a screeching halt right in front of me. Two men in suits step out, and I freeze.

“Dove Wheeler, we need you to come with us.” One of them flashes a badge quickly as the other grabs me by the elbow, forcing me towards the SUV.

“Wait, you can’t just take me.” I try to resist, but there’s really no point. They push me into the open back door, and though I try to fight they’re stronger than me.

“Looks like we just did,” one says before slamming the door and getting into the front.

They peel away from Erik and Ezra’s home and with every mile away from them, an ache grows inside of me. I try to pepper the men with questions, but they don’t say a word. It seems like forever but eventually we turn into a driveway of a beautiful stone home. It, too, is enclosed with an iron gate, but at this one I see guards clearly posted, making sure no one gets in or out without approval.