“You mean, there’s more than one?” I squint, glancing between them, barely able to meet their eyes under their lush fringe of lashes and jagged-cut bangs.

“Sure.” Romy nods. “There’s tons. Book of Shadows is just a generic title for a spell book. They think the name originated due to the fact that the books had to be kept hidden, in the shadows so to speak, because of their content.”

“Yeah,” Rayne cuts in, “but some also say it’s because they were often read and written by candlelight, which casts shadows as you know.”

Romy shrugs. “Either way, they’re written in code to avoid the danger of falling into the wrong hands. But the truly powerful ones, the ones like this”—she stabs the page with her index finger, which is newly painted ballet slipper pink—“are extremely rare and hard to find. Hidden away for the very same reason.”

“So it’s powerful? And real?” I repeat, needing it confirmed one more time.

Rayne looks at me, shaking her head like I’m too dense to be believed, while her sister nods, saying, “You can actually feel the energy of the words on the page. It’s quite powerful, I assure you.”

“So, you think it’ll be useful then? You think it might help us—you—with your needs?” Eyes darting between them, hoping they’ll say yes while carefully avoiding Damen’s gaze.

“We’re a little rusty—” Romy starts. “So we can’t say for sure—”

“Speak for yourself,” Rayne says, flipping back toward the front until finding the page that she wants. Repeating a stream of words I can’t even begin to understand as though it’s her native tongue. “See that?” She waves her hand in the air, laughing as the lights flicker on and off. “I wouldn’t exactly call that rusty.”

“Yes, but since they were supposed to burst into flames, you’re still a long ways away,” Romy says, arms folded, brow raised.

“Burst into flames?” I glance at Damen. He was right, this is dangerous in the wrong hands—their hands.

But Romy and Rayne just laugh, falling all over themselves when they say, “Psych! We totally psyched you! Ha!”

“You are too gullible to be believed!” Rayne adds, seizing any chance to make a fool of me.

“And you guys have been watching way too much TV,” I say, slamming the book shut and moving it away.

“Wait! You can’t take that! We need it!” Two sets of hands frantically reaching and grasping my way.

“It doesn’t belong to me. So it’s not like we can take it home or anything,” I say, holding it just out of reach.

“But how will we get our magick back if you hide it like that?” Romy’s face drops to a pout.

“Yeah,” Rayne adds, shaking her head. “First you make us leave Summerland and now—” Stopping only when Damen raises his hand to silence them.

“I think it’s best you put that away,” he says, eyes on mine, jaw clenched tight. “Now,” he adds, with new urgency.

I nod, thinking he’s more upset than I thought, taking a stand and insisting I stick to our deal. Until I follow his gaze to the monitor and watch as a dark blurry figure walks in.


I slide the drawer open, frantically shoving the book inside as a soft thud of footsteps makes their way down the hall.

Barely getting it closed before Jude sticks his head in and says, “Working late?”

He steps into the room and offers his hand to Damen who hesitates, taking a moment to size him up, before offering his own. Even after releasing Jude’s grip his gaze remains focused, unmoving, his mind far away.

“So, what’s going on here? Is this take-your-family-to-work day?” Jude smiles, though it doesn’t quite reach his eyes.

“No! We were just—” I swallow hard, having no idea what comes next, meeting his deep knowing gaze and quickly looking away.

“We were looking at your Book of Shadows,” Rayne says, arms folded, eyes narrowed. “And we were wondering where you got it?”

Jude nods, lips lifting at the corners when he says, “And you are?”

“Romy and Rayne.” I nod. “They’re my—” I glance at them, wondering how to explain them.

“Nieces,” Damen says, gaze locked on Jude. “They’re staying with me for a while.”