“To not be where?” Sabine asks, looking way too beautiful with her smoky eye makeup, fluffy blond hair, and an outfit that Stacia Miller would probably sell a kidney for if she were twenty years older.

I start to speak, not trusting Munoz not to blow my cover, but he jumps right in, voice overpowering mine when he says, “I was just telling Ever to get on with her plans. There’s no need to stick around and entertain me.”

Sabine glances between us until her gaze rests on Paul. And even though it’s nice to see her looking so relaxed and happy and eager to get the night going, the second he places his hand on the small of her back and leads her toward the front door, it’s all I can do not to hurl.


By the time I get to Haven’s, everyone’s gathered, looking on as Haven stands just outside the window where she first found her cat, saying a few words in Charm’s memory, while hugging a small urn to her chest.

“Hey,” I whisper, sidling up beside Damen and glancing at the twins. “What did I miss?”

He smiles, looking at me as he thinks: Some tears were shed—some poems were read— He shrugs. Though I’m sure she’ll forgive your lateness—eventually.

I nod, deciding to show Damen the reason for my lateness—presenting the entire debacle in full Technicolor glory. Watching as Haven sprinkles Charm’s ashes over the ground as the images from just a few moments before stream from my mind to his.

He slides his arm around me, comforting me in just the right way, placing a full bouquet of red tulips briefly into my hands—careful to make it appear and disappear before anyone sees.

Was it really that bad? He glances at me as Haven hands the urn to her little brother Austin, who scrunches his nose and peers inside.

Worse. I shake my head, still wondering why I chose to confide in Munoz—of all people.

I move closer, leaning my head on his shoulder as I add: And the twins? What are they doing here? I thought they were afraid to go outside?

They stand beside Haven, faces identical with their solemn dark eyes and razor-slashed bangs—but the similarities end there, having ditched their usual private school uniforms for ones of their own. With Romy striving for the all-American wholesomeness of a J. Crew catalog model, while Rayne’s look hails straight from the Hot Topic aisles with her edgy black minidress, torn black tights, and towering platform Mary Jane shoes. Though I doubt they actually shopped at those stores. Not when Damen can just manifest for them.

He shakes his head, arm tightening around me as he responds to my thoughts. Nope, that’s where you’re wrong. They’re venturing out. Eager to explore the world outside of TV, magazines, and my Crystal Cove gated community. He smiles. Believe it or not, they chose those outfits themselves. Even paid for them too. Using the money I gave them, of course. He looks at me. Just think, yesterday the mall, today a cat funeral, and tomorrow—who knows? He turns, smiling in a way that lights up his face as Haven says a final farewell to the cat practically no one here knew.

“Shouldn’t we have brought something?” I ask. “You know—flowers or something?”

“We did.” Damen nods, lips grazing my ear when he adds, “Not only did we bring those flowers over there”—he points to a giant bouquet made of colorful spring blooms—“but we also made a very generous, though anonymous, donation to the ASPCA in Charm’s memory. I thought she’d appreciate that.”

“Helping people anonymously?” I gaze at him, taking in the slant of his brow, the curve of his lips and longing for them to press against mine. “I thought you were against all of that?”

He looks at me, obviously misconstruing the words I’d meant as a joke. But just as I’m about to explain, Josh motions for us to come over.

He peers at Haven, making sure she can’t hear, before turning to us, saying, “Listen, I need your help. I messed up.”

“How?” I squint, even though the answer just appeared in my head.

He crams his hands into his pockets, dyed black hair falling into his eyes when he says, “I got her a kitten. This guy in my band—well, his girlfriend’s cat just had a litter and I thought it might help her get over Charm so I took the black one—but now she won’t even talk to me. Says I don’t understand. She’s seriously mad.”

“I’m sure she?

?ll come around, just give her some time, and she’ll—”

But he’s already shaking his head. “Are you kidding? Did you hear her just now?” He glances between us. “The way she went on and on about how Charm was one of a kind, how she can never be replaced.” He shakes his head and looks away. “That was for me, make no mistake.”

“Everyone feels that way after losing a pet. I’m sure if you—” I stop, gazing into eyes so defeated I know I’m not making a dent.

“No way.” He lifts his shoulders, looking at her, the loss clear on his face. “She meant it. She’s sad about Charm, mad at me, and now I’ve got this kitten in the backseat of my car and no idea what to do with it. I can’t bring it home, my mom’ll kill me, and Miles can’t take it because of the whole Italy thing, so I thought maybe you guys would want her.” His gaze darts between us, silent but pleading.

I take a deep breath and glance toward the twins, knowing they would love nothing more than a pet of their own, especially after the way they reacted to Charm. But what becomes of it once their magick’s restored and they head back to Summerland? Is it possible to bring the cat with them? Or will she become our responsibility?

But when they turn, the two of them gazing at me, Romy’s face lifting into a smile while Rayne’s drops to a scowl, I know I need all the help I can get where they’re concerned, and a cute little kitten might be a good start.

I look at Damen, knowing the moment our eyes meet that we’re on the same page.

We head for Josh’s car as he says, “Let’s have a look.”