Page 7 of The Secret Note


“We spent the entire night together in my sleeping bag and it was the best night ever. And then he went back to Australia. But now he’s apparently moved to LA for a new job and he’s texted me out of the blue, seven years later, asking me to meet him tonight for drinks. I asked him to send me a current photo—you know, just kind of pretending I didn’t remember him, just to give him a hard time because sometimes I’m a bitch like that—and the shot he sent me blew my mind. Trust me, he’s no longer an adorable puppy. He’s all man. He was shirtless and sweaty in the shot and literally the hottest male specimen I’ve ever seen. And I’m a spin and yoga instructor, mind you, so I’ve seen a lot of hot gym bodies in my lifetime. And not only is he hot, he assured me he’s got ‘waaaaaaay more skills’ than he had seven years ago when I popped his cherry. So, you know, obviously, I’m gonna sleep with him tonight.”

“If you don’t, then I will.”

We both giggle.

“Unfortunately, it’s been a couple months since I waxed. I had a bad breakup. So, I’ve got to get my jungle under control right freaking now.”

“Well, damn, girl. If this isn’t a waxing emergency, then I don’t know what is. I tell you what, honey. If you come right now and bring that shirtless photo of the Aussie with you, and if you promise to come back to the salon in a few days to take me to coffee and tell me the entire story of how things went tonight with him, then, okay, I’ll figure out a way to squeeze you in today.”

I squeal. “You’re a godsend! Thank you so much.”

“You’re very welcome. I’ll consider it karma points. Truly, I’ll go to bed with a smile on my face tonight, thinking about what you’re doing tonight.”

“You’re seriously my new best friend. I’m going to call my lifelong bestie right now and tell her she’s out and you’re in.”

The woman laughs. “What’s your name?”

“Kaylee Rae. And I’m already driving toward the salon. I’ll be there in exactly twelve minutes.”

“Fabulous. We’ll see you soon.”


I walk into the bar and survey the place. Ben. He’s sitting at a tall table in the corner, impossible to miss. Even if he’d been a complete stranger to me, my gaze would have been drawn straight to his deliciousness like a magnet to steel.

I begin walking through the crowded bar toward him, and as I approach, Ben’s chocolate eyes land on me and light up. He waves and smiles, causing both of my ovaries to explode simultaneously, and I wave back and try not to melt onto the floor.

I reach the table and Ben stands, his muscular arms outstretched.

“Hi,” I manage to say, melting into his hard chest as he wraps his arms around me.

“Kaylee,” he replies into my hair. “You look gorgeous.”

Oh, that accent. “You look gorgeous, too,” I say into his broad shoulder, and he chuckles.


I pull out of his embrace, my heart racing, and lock eyes with him . . . and physically swoon. “It’s great to see you,” I chirp, my sunny tone an overcompensation for the shiver of desire running up my spine.

I take a seat and Ben does the same. We’re both smiling from ear to ear. My heart is racing.

“I hope you didn’t mind me getting your number from Carter,” Ben says. “When I got to LA and realized my co-workers didn’t give two shits about—”

“Good evening.” It’s a waitress, suddenly standing at our table. “Are you two ready to place drink orders or do you need a minute?”

We quickly place drink orders and, the moment the waitress walks away, lean toward each other, the energy between us palpable.

“What were you saying?” I ask.

“Fuck if I know,” he says with a crooked smile. “Probably talking gibberish, thanks to nerves.”

“You’re nervous?”



“Because . . .” He motions to the entirety of me, like his gesture somehow answers the question.

I bite my lower lip. “Thank you for texting me. I was blown away when I saw your message. Talk about an unexpected blast from the past.”

Ben chuckles. “You must have been like, ‘Ben who?’”

“No, there wasn’t a nanosecond where I wondered Ben who. I was definitely shocked, of course. But I remember our night together like it was yesterday.”

“Same,” he says, his dark eyes blazing. “Every word. Every touch. Like it was yesterday.” His eyes flash with unmistakable heat. “You not only owned my body that night, you blew my fucking mind.”

My lips part in surprise.

“To be honest with you,” he adds, his cheeks flushing, “that night ranks up there as one of the best of my life.”

For me, too, I think. But I don’t say it. It’d be too big an admission. Too immediate a divestment of my armor. And yet, the earnest look in Ben’s eyes makes me want to give him something. “You blew my mind that night, too,” I say softly.