Page 5 of The Secret Note

“Actually, you should be complimented he said you might not remember him. I’m sure with every other girl he’s screwed since you popped his cherry, he’s felt like he held all the power. Like he made that girl’s day, month, year. With you, he felt like he was the lucky one. That’s got to be a hard memory to shake.”

“Which is precisely why I refused to give him my phone number the next morning. I knew he was going back to Australia and we’d never see each other again. So I wanted to remain this perfect, mythical creature in his eyes forever and ever. Better that than have pointless FaceTime sex with him a couple times and have to witness our mutual infatuation slowly petering out.”

“You’re the one who got away, babe. I’m sure every other girl but you has turned into a cling-on after he bangs them. But not Kaylee. The girl who slipped him a note, banged him in her tent, and then said buh-bye like he was just another piece of meat. If I were a guy, I’d have a seven-year hard-on for you, too.”

I giggle. “He hasn’t had a seven-year hard-on for me, Tati. Trust me, if you’d seen him, you wouldn’t think that for a minute. That man can get any girl he wants.”

“He’s had a seven-year hard-on for you. I’d bet anything.”

“Whatever. If that’s true, then hopefully, it’ll make the sex tonight even hotter.”

“Sex on the first date? So does that mean no chance of a second date with this one? Sex on the first date always means no second date with you.”

“Yeah, sex is all I’ve got to offer right now. I’m still not completely detoxed from Zack.” I shudder. “Controlling and clingy boys looking for a girlfriend need not apply right now. I’m not interested.”

“Have you replied to Ben’s text yet?”

“No. I called you first. Wanted to strategize about what I should say.”

“Well, whatever you do, ask him for a current photo. You know, so you’ll be sure to recognize him at the bar tonight, seeing as how it’s been so damned long. And then send me that photo right away or I’ll cut you.”

“Will do. Okay. I’m gonna text him now.”

“Keep me posted.”

We hang up and I tap out a text to Ben, smiling from ear to ear as I do.

Hi, Ben! Great to hear from you! Congrats on your new job and move to LA! Hey, sorry to ask, but will you do me a favor and shoot me a recent selfie? I’ve devirginized so many Aussies in my pup tent during camping trips with my brother and his friends in Coconino, I’m not positive I’m remembering the right hot Aussie. Thanks!

Three little jiggling dots immediately appear under my message. I wait, holding my breath, an anticipatory smile on my lips, and finally, Ben’s response appears on my screen.

Here you go. I’m in the middle of a workout at the gym, hence the reason I’m sweaty and shirtless. But I gotta figure seeing me like this is probably the best way to jog your memories of me. x

“Holy mother of God,” I whisper as my eyes take in the photo Ben sent me. The shot shows the full length of his body reflected in a gym mirror. There are dumbbells scattered around his feet. Exercise equipment in the background. As promised, he’s shirtless and sweaty in the photo. He’s wearing a backward baseball cap and a pair of black workout shorts. And his body is absolutely glorious. It’s sculpted from head to toe and covered in far more ink than I recall from seven years ago. In short, he’s smoking hot.

I send the photo to Tatiana and, two seconds later, my phone rings.


“Oh my fucking God!” she shrieks.

“He’s stone-cold gorgeous, right?” I say.

“Dude, he’s stone-cold ‘holy fuck and sweet baby Jesus’ gorgeous!” she replies. “Those abs. That ink. Those arms. That smile. And those eyes. Holy bajeebabeebus, Kaylee. Based on the story you told me at the time, I think I was picturing him as an eighteen-year-old. But this ain’t no boy-man. Holy hell. This right here is a grown-ass man and then some.”

I sigh. “He’s definitely grown up right. Good lord.”

“Good lord. You still thinking he’s just a one and done?”

I pause . . . just long enough to telegraph my answer to my bestie, who knows me so well.

“Good. That boy right there ain’t no ‘catch and release’ program. That boy’s a keeper if I’ve ever seen one.”

“A keeper, we’ll see. A man I’d like to chain to my bed for the next month? Definitely.”

Tatiana laughs.

“Okay, baby, I’ve got to stop drooling long enough to reply to the man’s text. I’ve left him hanging long enough.”

Tatiana laughs. “You’re so cruel. You know he’s been staring at his phone, waiting for your reaction to his photo for a solid five minutes.”