Page 4 of The Secret Note

“Did my brother sound upset when he said that stuff about me?”

“Not at all. He doesn’t think you’re a ganga, if that’s what you’re thinking. He actually sounded proud of you.”

I have no idea what a ganga is, but I think I can guess. “Proud of me?” I say.

“Well, not proud. Wrong word. But, like, he admires you. He said you don’t give a fuck what girls are ‘supposed’ to do and he thinks that’s bloody fantastic. He actually called you a ‘badass bitch.’ And I couldn’t agree more. You’re most definitely a badass bitch in my book.” When I smirk at him, he lays his palm on my naked hip and grins. “After being with my girlfriend for so long, and listening to her constantly worrying about what people thought of her and what she was ‘supposed’ to do, I’m finding you refreshing. Sexy as fuck, as a matter of fact. I like the way you go after what you want.” He strokes the curve of my hip, sending goose bumps across my flesh, even in the warm space. “I think you’re sexy, Kaylee,” he whispers. “Sexy and beautiful and fucking amazing. I’ve been watching you all night, trying to gather the courage to make a move. The last thing in the world I’m gonna do is judge you for inviting me into your tent, believe me.”

“Thank you.” I slide my palm onto Ben’s gorgeous face and kiss him. “Okay, Shy Boy. Let’s go again.” I smile wickedly. “Because this badass bitch can go all night.”


Los Angeles, Present day

I settle into my car after having just finished a long day of work. I pull out my phone, intending to text my best friend, Tatiana, about our plan to grab dinner and drinks tonight. But I’m surprised to find I’ve got a text from an unknown number waiting for me.

Hi, Kaylee. Happy Friday. This is Ben Watson. I got your number from Carter. Hope that’s okay. You might not remember me. Surely you made a bigger impression on me than I made on you when we met seven years ago. I’m the shy Aussie you invited to your tent during a camping trip in Coconino. And happily, I’m not nearly as shy anymore. I’ve recently moved to LA for a new job. I don’t know anyone in town other than my new co-workers, and they’re not interested in socialising outside of work, apparently. Would you be interested in meeting for a drink? I’d love to pick your brain about living in LA. Get your recs on your favourite bars, hiking spots, etc. I’m available tonight, if you’re free. If not, then name your night. I’m free as a bird these days. I can make anything work. Hope to hear from you. xx

I read and reread the message twice and then breathlessly place a call to my best friend.

“Ciao, bella,” Tatiana says when she picks up.

“Dude,” I blurt. “There shall be no dinner and drinks with you tonight. I’ve unexpectedly got a date with a hot Aussie.”


“Remember when I went camping with Carter and a bunch of his friends from NAU and wound up devirginizing a hot Australian in my sleeping bag?”

“Get out!”

“He just texted me. He said he moved to LA for a job and he knows no one and he wants to meet me for drinks tonight so he can ‘pick my brain’ about living here.”

“Ha! More like he wants to meet for drinks so he can fuck your body tonight.”

“God willing.”

“Oh my God. Read me his entire text. I want to hear his exact words.”

I read Tatiana Ben’s entire text.

“He thinks you might not remember him?” Tatiana says incredulously.

“I know, right? How many Aussies does he think I’ve devirginized?”

“On camping trips in Coconino, no less.”

We both laugh.

“And it’s not like it was a wham, bam, thank you, ma’am that night, either,” I say. “After I devirginized him, we had sex two more times over the course of, like, six hours. And in between actual sex, we made out. Talked. Made out again. Laughed a ton. It was an incredible night. The kind of night you think about again and again over the years because it was just so damned magical and nothing else has ever quite compared. And he thinks I’m such a slut I wouldn’t even remember a night like that?”

“Aw, cut him some slack, babe. He was just reserving himself a way to save face in case you totally brushed him off. It’s been seven years, after all. And as I recall, you shut him down when he asked for your phone number the next morning.”

I laugh. “True.”

“I’m sure he’s been pining for you all these years and doesn’t want to look like a fool if you’re creeped out he texted after all this time.”

“Oh, there’s no way he’s been pining for me all this time, Tati. Trust me. He was absolutely gorgeous. After I broke the seal for him, so to speak, I’m sure he went home and had a field day with the ladies. And why would I be creeped out he texted me? His message was adorable.”