As Reed answers questions, Alessandra leans into me at our small table. “He’s so nice to do this.”

“I know. He’s such a sweetheart.”

“He’s so much nicer than I thought. I can’t believe I thought he was such a jerk.”

“I know the feeling.”

“I can’t wait to show him just how much I’ve grown since my demo, thanks to everything he said to me at the party.”

My stomach twists. “Whatever happens, don’t take his word as gospel, okay? A lot goes into Reed’s decision-making that has nothing to do with talent.”

Alessandra winks. “You don’t have to protect me, Momma Bear. I’m scared to death to perform in front of him, but I’m also excited. Whatever happens, I’ll be okay.”

“Okay, guys,” Reed says onstage. “Let’s let Alessandra do her thing now. Be sure to tip her, okay? I’ll get things started.” He pulls out his wallet and stuffs a wad of bills into Alessandra’s tip jar, and everyone laughs and applauds and marvels at his smoothness. And I can’t help giggling to myself to see my Reed, the man I know and love, morph into Panel Discussion Reed before my eyes. It’s not an act, actually, when Reed turns into this dazzling version of himself. The suave, charming, debonair guy who says all the right things, and elicits chuckles and applause at all the right times. That guy is sincerely him. But what I’ve come to learn is it’s only one facet of him. A facet I love... although, I must admit, I’ve come to love the parts of him that aren’t quite as perfect even more.

“Now, if you’ll excuse me,” Reed says, “I’m going to take a seat with my beautiful girlfriend and enjoy the show.”

Alessandra gapes when Reed calls me his “beautiful girlfriend,” and I blush.

“He’s been calling me his girlfriend every chance he gets during this trip,” I whisper.

“Swoon!” Alessandra whispers back.

A moment later, Reed appears at our table, which prompts Alessandra to head to the stage. With rosy cheeks and a heaving chest, she pulls her acoustic guitar into her lap.

“Hi, I’m Alessandra. Happy birthday, Georgie.” She takes a deep breath. “This is called ‘Blindsided.’” With that, she takes another deep breath, clears her throat, glances at Reed—which only makes her look like she’s going to barf, so she quickly looks at me, instead—and then, begins to play.

It’s a new song. One I’ve never heard before. And, holy crap, it’s the best damn song Alessandra’s ever written. By far. Not only that, she’s singing it in a way I’ve never heard her sing before. With less vocal acrobatics and more soul. In fact, as I listen to her, goosebumps form on my skin. Tears well in my eyes. She’s magic up there. And anyone who doesn’t see that, including Reed, is just plain dumb.

Speaking of which, I steal a look at Reed. And what I find isn’t his usual poker face. He’s not Business Reed right now. He’s not Discussion Panel Reed. He’s my Reed. My lover. My man. The generous, kind, sweetheart I’ve come to know and adore. And, much to my thrill, that man, my Reed, is smiling from ear to ear.

Chapter 25


So far, so good. Although I can’t help feeling like I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. Or, perhaps, a hammer. Onto my head.

I’m at Georgina’s father’s condo, sitting at a small table with Mr. Ricci and Georgina, eating homemade spaghetti Bolognese for Georgina’s birthday dinner. It’s one of the man’s specialties, apparently. Also, one of Georgie’s favorites. Which is why I’ve been shoveling my meal down enthusiastically, even though I rarely eat red meat or simple carbs. But, hey, whatever it takes to get onto this man’s good side. Because, frankly, he hasn’t welcomed me with open arms thus far. Not that I blame him.

When Georgina and I first arrived this evening, and Georgina introduced me as her “boyfriend,” her dad took one look at me and made a face I’d caption as, You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Which, right away, told me this was going to be an uphill battle. Although, in the man’s defense, I wasn’t particularly thrilled to hear Georgina call me that word, either. The minute Georgina uttered it in her father’s presence, I couldn’t help feeling exactly the way Henn and Josh described it to me the other day, only in reverse. It’s not nearly enough.

I was shocked to think that way. By all rights, I should be thrilled to be introduced as Georgina’s boyfriend, seeing as how, mere days ago at the RCR concert, that’s the word I coveted. But the thrill is gone now. I’ve realized “boyfriend” is actually a stupid, juvenile, overly vague word. For crying out loud, it’s the same fucking word Georgie used when introducing that bastard, Shawn, to her father.

Also, thanks to the bombshell Georgina dropped on her father fifteen minutes ago—namely, that I’m the guy behind all their recent financial windfalls—he seems suspicious as hell of me. Although, he did thank me profusely for my generosity. But, still, it was abundantly clear he was feeling deeply worried and conflicted. He’s already said “I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to repay you” at least ten times. To which I’ve replied, every time, “The payments were gifts. No strings attached.”