“Is that a yes?” I say.

She flashes me a million-dollar smile. “Okay, let’s do it. But don’t you dare tell him I’ve moved in with you. He still thinks I’m living at the hotel. Let’s not give the poor man a stroke.”

Tony’s eyes crinkle in the rearview mirror at that.

“Don’t worry.” I touch Georgina’s thigh. “I thought today would be a disaster, and it was the best day of my life.”

Georgina bites her lip. “It was?”

“Yup. Thank you for pushing me to do it. You were right. It was beautiful. Freeing.”

She takes my hand. “What’d I tell you? The truth shall set you free.”

We rhapsodize about today’s visit for a bit. But after a while, Georgina says she’s tired, and I open my arm to her and let her crumple against me for a nap. After a few minutes, when I’m sure she’s out like a light, I pull out my phone and tap out a text to Josh and Henn.

Me: Georgie and I just finished visiting my mother. It went fantastically well. Tomorrow, we’re visiting her stepsister in Boston. Saturday, I’m going to dinner at her father’s condo in LA.


Josh: Whoa. Mutual meeting of the parents? This is a first for you, right?

Me: Yep.

Josh: Damn, dude. This is as serious as you’ve ever been with someone, isn’t it?

Me: I just told her she’s the great love of my life. And saying it felt good, not scary.

Henn: I have no words.

Me: Josh, send me your brother’s phone number, por favor. I want to ask him a question.

Josh: You can’t ask me?

Henn: Or me? I’m the smart one, remember?

Me: You’re not the right guys to answer this particular question.

Josh: Well, now I’m intrigued.

Henn: Ditto.

Me: Don’t read too much into this, but I want to ask Jonas what made him decide to propose to Sarah, as opposed to continuing to shack up with her.

Henn: HOLY FUCK! You’re thinking of proposing to Georgina?

Josh: Henn, no. Don’t be stupid. He’s obviously thinking of proposing to Sarah.

Henn: I knew it! When we talked and you said she’s breakfast-worthy, I said you sounded like I did after meeting Hannah. I’m a genius.

Me: Calm down, Peter. I’m simply gathering information, out of curiosity.

Josh: Last time I checked, Henn and I are every bit as married as my brother. We can tell you why we proposed.

Me: But Jonas’ situation is the closest to mine. Henn’s always known he’d get married and have kids one day. And you, Josh, only proposed after knocking Kat up. Yes, it turned out great for you, but you didn’t put a ring on it out of the blue, like Jonas did. I want to talk to a dude who wasn’t always planning to get married, same as me, and also didn’t knock his girlfriend up.

Josh: I didn’t ask Kat to marry me because she was preggers. I was perfectly fine with having a baby momma. I only proposed when I realized I wanted Kat to be my wife.

Henn: And I didn’t ask Hannah to marry me because I had some thumping need to marry just anyone. I only asked Hannah because I knew, for sure, she was The One.

Me: I’m not questioning your undying love for your wives, fellas. I just want to know what makes a guy who’s never been interested in marriage, like me, suddenly do an about-face and pop the question.

Henn: I’m answering it, whether you like it or not. I knew it was time to pop the question when “girlfriend” wasn’t nearly enough.

Josh: Perfect way to explain it. That’s how I felt, too. Girlfriend/baby momma wasn’t enough. Even fiancée kind of bummed me out after the novelty wore off. I couldn’t wait to call her my wife. Mrs. Faraday.

Henn: Same. Mrs. Hennessy. Couldn’t wait.

I look down at Georgina, at the top of her dark head. She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. The great love of my life, like I implied a moment ago. But, at least for now, I’ve got no problem calling her my girlfriend. In fact, when I introduced Georgina as my girlfriend to Tony, and then Oscar, the orderly, and then to my mother, I felt nothing but buzzed and excited each time. But before I’ve answered my friend’s latest texts, my phone buzzes with one from Henn.

Henn: I wanted to propose to Hannah after knowing her for a week. I only waited out of fear of rejection. But, really, the minute I saw her, I thought, Hello, Wife.

Again, I look down at Georgina against my shoulder. I didn’t think, “Hello, Wife,” when I saw her in that lecture hall. I thought, Oooh, I want to fuck that one.

Me: See? That’s exactly why you’re not helpful to me, Peter. What sane man sees a woman and thinks, “Hello, wife”? Back me up, Faraday. What did you think when you first saw Kat?