My chest tightens. “You’re right. If I want Georgina to trust me, then I have to trust her first.”

“Of course I’m right. I’m always right.” CeeCee raises her wine glass. “To trust. True love is based on it, my dear. Which, I do believe, has been Georgina’s point, all along.”


After sending CeeCee off in her car, I get settled into my Porsche. Before starting my car, I check my phone, just in case I’ve missed something important during my dinner with CeeCee. I have. A text from Henn:

Call me ASAP. I’ve got news on the asshole.

My heart rate spiking, I start my car and immediately place the call.

“Hey,” Henn says.

“You found kiddie porn, didn’t you?”


Henn tells me the situation, and I’m blown away.

“That’s why it took me so long to get back to you,” he says. “Once I saw what we were dealing with, I knew I had to follow the clues and hack everyone involved. So, it took a little time.”

“You’ve got everything now?”

“Yep. I’ve got it all.”

“Send it to me. I’m driving home now. I’ll look at everything when I get home.”

Henn pauses. “You realize this is bigger than your personal vendetta now, right? We have a higher duty than just ruining this asshole’s life on the down-low to avenge Georgina. You get that, right?”

“Send me the stuff and we’ll talk next steps.”

“We’re going to have to tell Georgina what I found. This isn’t as simple as tipping off the FBI about some kiddie porn. She deserves to know.”

I exhale. “Yeah. I know. I’ll be seeing Georgina in person in New York in a couple days. I’ll talk to her about it then.”

“Good. Keep me posted.”

“Will do. Thanks, Henny. Seriously. You never let me down.”

I end the call with Henn and place another one. This time, to my head of security, Barry Atwater. Unfortunately, though, I get Barry’s voicemail.

“Hey, Big Barry. It’s Reed. I need your help with something personal and confidential. It’s urgent and highly important. Call me as soon as you can.”

Chapter 14


Friday 9:24 pm

“And this was when Dax and I dressed up as the Wonder Twins for Halloween,” Kat says, showing me a photo. “I was sixteen. Dax, twelve.”

I’m in Seattle. Sitting on Kat’s couch in her stunning home. Earlier today, Dax and the Goats gave me a tour of “their” Seattle, while I interviewed them. Tonight, Kat is regaling me with story after story.

“You two look so much alike,” I say, grinning at the photo. “You’re both spitting images of your mom.” I know this because I met Kat and Dax’s mom, Louise Morgan, last night, when I went to “Casa Morgan” for a family dinner.

“Oh, I know. Everyone says that. Gracie, too.” That’s Kat’s spitfire of a daughter. “My mom always says the four of us are Russian nesting dolls. Oh! This is a good one. Dax at age two.” She shows me a photo of Dax as a toddler on a couch, looking like he’s playing air guitar, while little Kat in the photo, a tow-headed blonde, cheers on her little brother enthusiastically. “According to family lore, Dax saw some hot shot guitar player on TV, and he jumped up and started mimicking him. It’s how Daxy got his lifelong nickname: Rock Star.”

I giggle. “The Morgans sure love their nicknames.”

“Oh, Georgie girl, you have no idea.” She pulls out another photo. “This is the Goats rehearsing in my parents’ garage. A very common occurrence back in the day. They used to come home from high school every day and head straight to the garage to practice for hours.”

“How old are they here?”

“Fifteen or sixteen.”

“And Dax already had long hair.”

“He always loved having long hair, from day one. My mom said at his very first haircut, he started bawling when he saw his long locks floating to the ground. My mother swears he said, ‘But now how will you know which one is me?’”

I laugh and laugh. The same way I did yesterday, when I toured Seattle tourist spots with Kat and her kids, and Kat’s best friend, Sarah, and her kids. The same way I did last night, during dinner with Kat’s family. Also, during today’s fun-filled interview with the band, which Kat tagged along on. Seriously, any time I’m in Kat’s presence, I can’t stop smiling.

“Do you think Dax would mind me using that ‘first haircut’ anecdote in my article?”

“Go for it. Dax already told me I could tell you anything.”

“Thank you so much. When you offered to put me up in Seattle, I had no idea you’d go all out like this. You’ve made me feel like family.”

“That’s because you are family, Georgie.” She returns to her photos, like she didn’t just take my breath away. “Oh, this is a good one. It’s from my destination wedding in Maui. This is the night Reed watched 22 Goats play a show for our wedding guests.” She smiles. “He signed them to River Records that very night.”