Sadly, our waiter never walks in to discover us fucking like animals against the white-linen-covered table. Nor does he enter the room as we’re putting ourselves back together. The consolation prize, though? As we pass the guy on our way out of the private room, the look on his face tells me he heard every telltale sound Georgina made in that room, and he’s well aware of what I did to get her to make them.

Chapter 34


“I did it! I finished writing my last article of the summer!” I walk across Reed’s home office and stand over his desk, holding up the printed pages—the secret article I’ve been working on for the past six weeks. “I never told you about this one. I wanted it to be a surprise. I think you’re going to love it.”

Reed looks up from whatever he’s doing on his laptop. “Uh... what? Hold on.” He clacks on his keyboard for a moment. And then looks up again. “Sorry? What?”

I hold up the printed pages of my mystery article. “I just finished writing a super-secret surprise article and I’m wondering if you’ll read it now.”

“Oh. Wow. Congratulations. Of course, I’ll read it.”

My chest heaving with anticipation, I slide the pages across Reed’s desk, and he calmly picks them up. But when he looks down at the page, and sees the title at the top, his mouth hangs open.

“How did you...? Oh my God, Georgie.”

“I know. Crazy, right? Read it. Please. I’m dying.”

Still looking flabbergasted, Reed leans back in his leather chair and begins to read, and, in short order, it’s clear he’s thoroughly engrossed. Mesmerized, I’d even say. After a while, he looks up from the last page. “I can’t believe you did all this. I’m in shock.”

He asks me some questions about the article. How I gathered the information set forth in it. And I answer him.

“Holy shit,” he says. “Would you do me a favor and give this to my mother before submitting it to CeeCee?”

“Of course. That’s always been my plan. First, you. Then, your mom. And then, CeeCee, but only if Eleanor gives me the green light. I’m planning to give it to your mom, in person, during our upcoming visit, if that’s okay with you.”

“Perfect.” Reed’s mind is visibly racing. “My mother is going to have a thousand questions for you. Every bit as much as I did.”

“And I’ll happily answer them. Do you think she’ll like it?”

“I think she’ll be as blown away as I am.”

My heart is thundering. I’m so relieved Reed likes this article and thinks his mother will, too. My biggest fear was Reed would say this topic was none of my business. I say, “Okay, but, if, for some reason, Eleanor doesn’t love it, or wants her privacy, I won’t submit it to CeeCee.” My phone rings and I look down to find CeeCee’s name on the screen. “Speaking of CeeCee, her ears must be ringing.” I connect the call. “Hi there. Reed and I were just talking—”

“Sorry to cut you off. I’ve got big news. Are you at Reed’s?”


“Stay put. I’m coming now.”

I give CeeCee the passcode for the front gate and disconnect the call. And then drag Reed into the living room, where I pace circles around the cavernous space as we await CeeCee’s arrival. Finally, CeeCee knocks on the front door. And the minute I fling it open, she barges into the room and blurts, “I sent advance copies of your Gates article to a few friends in the media, and we’ve caught two huge whales on our line! Both NPR and Good Morning America want to interview you about the Gates article, Georgina!”


“Yes! You’ll do a radio interview with NPR on Monday morning in Philadelphia. Which is perfect timing because the article will be published online that same morning. From Philly, you’ll head straight to New York and do a nationally televised live interview on Good Morning America the following morning!”

I’m practically hyperventilating. “You’ll come with me to all of that, right?”

CeeCee laughs. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

I look at Reed, feeling like a deer in headlights. “And you, too?”

Reed chuckles. “Of course I’m coming. And don’t worry. We’ll rearrange our trip itinerary to make everything work.”

CeeCee claps. “We have so much to do! I’ll set up a prep session with my PR woman, Jane. She and I will go over talking points with you for both interviews, and also get you camera-ready.” She looks me up and down. “Which, obviously, won’t be hard to do.” She slides into an armchair, a wide smile splitting her elegant face. “Now, listen, Georgie girl. I was going to tell you this tomorrow at the office—Margot and I were going to throw you a little party with a cake when I told you. But I’ve obviously got to tell you now: you’re officially a full-time writer for Dig a Little Deeper!”